Boyhood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about Boyhood.

Boyhood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about Boyhood.

“Me vere very unhappy from ze time of my birth,” he began with a profound sigh.  “Ze noble blot of ze Countess of Zomerblat flows in my veins.  Me vere born six veek after ze vetting.  Ze man of my Mutter (I called him ‘Papa’) vere farmer to ze Count von Zomerblat.  He coult not forget my Mutter’s shame, ant loaft me not.  I had a youngster broser Johann ant two sister, pot me vere strange petween my own family.  Ven Johann mate several silly trick Papa sayt, ’Wit sis chilt Karl I am never to have one moment tranquil!’ and zen he scoltet and ponishet me.  Ven ze sister quarrellet among zemselves Papa sayt, ’Karl vill never be one opedient poy,’ ant still scoltet ant ponishet me.  My goot Mamma alone loaft ant tenteret me.  Often she sayt to me, ’Karl, come in my room,’ ant zere she kisset me secretly.  ‘Poorly, poorly Karl!’ she sayt.  ’Nopoty loaf you, pot I will not exchange you for somepoty in ze worlt, One zing your Mutter pegs you, to rememper,’ sayt she to me, ’learn vell, ant be efer one honest man; zen Got will not forsake you.’  Ant I triet so to become.  Ven my fourteen year hat expiret, ant me coult partake of ze Holy Sopper, my Mutter sayt to my Vater, ’Karl is one pig poy now, Kustaf.  Vat shall we do wis him?’ Ant Papa sayt, ’Me ton’t know.’  Zen Mamma sayt, ’Let us give him to town at Mister Schultzen’s, and he may pea Schumacher,’ ant my Vater sayt, ‘Goot!’ Six year ant seven mons livet I in town wis ze Mister Shoemaker, ant he loaft me.  He sayt, ‘Karl are one goot vorkman, ant shall soon become my Geselle.’  Pot-man makes ze proposition, ant Got ze deposition.  In ze year 1796 one conscription took place, ant each which vas serviceable, from ze eighteens to ze twenty-first year, hat to go to town.

“My Fater and my broser Johann come to town, ant ve go togezer to throw ze lot for which shoult pe Soldat.  Johann drew ze fatal nomper, and me vas not necessary to pe Soldat.  Ant Papa sayt, ’I have only vun son, ant wis him I must now separate!’

“Den I take his hant, ant says, ’Why say you so, Papa?  Come wis me, ant I will say you somesing.’  Ant Papa come, ant we seat togezer at ze publics-house, ant me sayt, ‘Vaiter, give us one Bierkrug,’ ant he gives us one.  We trink altogezer, and broser Johann also trink.  ‘Papa,’ sayt me, ’ton’t say zat you have only one son, ant wis it you must separate, My heart was breaking ven you say sis.  Broser Johann must not serve; me shall pe Soldat.  Karl is for nopoty necessary, and Karl shall pe Soldat.’

“‘You is one honest man, Karl,’ sayt Papa, ant kiss me.  Ant me was Soldat.”


“Zat was a terrible time, Nicolinka,” continued Karl Ivanitch, “ze time of Napoleon.  He vanted to conquer Germany, ant we protected our Vaterland to ze last trop of plot.  Me vere at Ulm, me vere at Austerlitz, me vere at Wagram.”

“Did you really fight?” I asked with a gaze of astonishment “Did you really kill anybody?”

Project Gutenberg
Boyhood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.