Kim eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 404 pages of information about Kim.

Kim eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 404 pages of information about Kim.

’And also I had honour to bring down from Lurgan your present costume.  I am not in the habit offeecially of carrying such gauds to subordinates, but’ — he giggled — ’your case is noted as exceptional on the books.  I hope Mr Lurgan will note my action.’

Kim yawned and stretched himself.  It was good to turn and twist within loose clothes once again.

‘What is this?’ He looked curiously at the heavy duffle-stuff loaded with the scents of the far North.

’Oho!  That is inconspicuous dress of chela attached to service of lamaistic lama.  Complete in every particular,’ said Hurree Babu, rolling into the balcony to clean his teeth at a goglet.  ’I am of opeenion it is not your old gentleman’s precise releegion, but rather sub-variant of same.  I have contributed rejected notes To Whom It May Concern:  Asiatic Quarterly Review on these subjects.  Now it is curious that the old gentleman himself is totally devoid of releegiosity.  He is not a dam’ particular.’

‘Do you know him?’

Hurree Babu held up his hand to show he was engaged in the prescribed rites that accompany tooth-cleaning and such things among decently bred Bengalis.  Then he recited in English an Arya-Somaj prayer of a theistical nature, and stuffed his mouth with pan and betel.

’Oah yes.  I have met him several times at Benares, and also at Buddh Gaya, to interrogate him on releegious points and devil-worship.  He is pure agnostic — same as me.’

Huneefa stirred in her sleep, and Hurree Babu jumped nervously to the copper incense-burner, all black and discoloured in morning-light, rubbed a finger in the accumulated lamp-black, and drew it diagonally across his face.

‘Who has died in thy house?’ asked Kim in the vernacular.

‘None.  But she may have the Evil Eye — that sorceress,’ the Babu replied.

‘What dost thou do now, then?’

’I will set thee on thy way to Benares, if thou goest thither, and tell thee what must be known by Us.’

‘I go.  At what hour runs the te-rain?’ He rose to his feet, looked round the desolate chamber and at the yellow-wax face of Huneefa as the low sun stole across the floor.  ’Is there money to be paid that witch?’

’No.  She has charmed thee against all devils and all dangers in the name of her devils.  It was Mahbub’s desire.’  In English:  ’He is highly obsolete, I think, to indulge in such supersteetion.  Why, it is all ventriloquy.  Belly-speak — eh?’

Kim snapped his fingers mechanically to avert whatever evil — Mahbub, he knew, meditated none — might have crept in through Huneefa’s ministrations; and Hurree giggled once more.  But as he crossed the room he was careful not to step in Huneefa’s blotched, squat shadow on the boards.  Witches -when their time is on them — can lay hold of the heels of a man’s soul if he does that.

‘Now you must well listen,’ said the Babu when they were in the fresh air.  ’Part of these ceremonies which we witnessed they include supply of effeecient amulet to those of our Department.  If you feel in your neck you will find one small silver amulet, verree cheap.  That is ours.  Do you understand?’

Project Gutenberg
Kim from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.