Mauprat eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about Mauprat.

Mauprat eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about Mauprat.

The storms of the Revolution did not destroy our existence, nor did the passions it aroused disturb the harmony of our private life.  We gladly gave up a large part of our property to the Republic, looking upon it, indeed, as a just sacrifice.  The abbe, terrified by the bloodshed, occasionally abjured this political faith, when the necessities of the hour were too much for the strength of his soul.  He was the Girondin of the family.

With no less sensibility, Edmee had greater courage; a woman and compassionate, she sympathized profoundly with the sufferings of all classes.  She bewailed the misfortune of her age; but she never failed to appreciate the greatness of its holy fanaticism.  She remained faithful to her ideas of absolute equality.  At a time when the acts of the Mountain were irritating the abbe, and driving him to despair, she generously sacrificed her own patriotic enthusiasm; and her delicacy would never let her mention in his presence certain names that made him shudder, names for which she herself had a sort of passionate veneration, the like of which I have never seen in any woman.

As for myself, I can truthfully say that it was she who educated me; during the whole course of my life I had the profoundest respect for her judgment and rectitude.  When, in my enthusiasm, I was filled with a longing to play a part as a leader of the people, she held me back by showing how my name would destroy any influence I might have; since they would distrust me, and imagine my aim was to use them as an instrument for recovering my rank.  When the enemy was at the gates of France, she sent me to serve as a volunteer; when the Republic was overthrown, and a military career came to be merely a means of gratifying ambition, she recalled me, and said: 

“You must never leave me again.”

Patience played a great part in the Revolution.  He was unanimously chosen as judge of his district.  His integrity, his impartiality between castle and cottage, his firmness and wisdom will never be forgotten in Varenne.

During the war I was instrumental in saving M. de la Marche’s life, and helping him to escape to a foreign country.

Such, I believe, said old Mauprat, are all the events of my life in which Edmee played a part.  The rest of it is not worth the telling.  If there is anything helpful in my story, try to profit by it, young fellows.  Hope to be blessed with a frank counsellor, a severe friend; and love not the man who flatters, but the man who reproves.  Do not believe too much in phrenology; for I have the murderer’s bump largely developed, and, as Edmee used to say with grim humour, “killing comes natural” to our family.  Do not believe in fate, or, at least, never advise any one to tamely submit to it.  Such is the moral of my story.

After this old Bernard gave us a good supper, and continued conversing with us for the rest of the evening without showing any signs of discomposure or fatigue.  As we begged him to develop what he called the moral of his story a little further, he proceeded to a few general considerations which impressed me with their soundness and good sense.

Project Gutenberg
Mauprat from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.