Mauprat eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about Mauprat.

Mauprat eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about Mauprat.
that the wounds in themselves were not mortal, that they would not even be very serious, had not a violent disturbance in the brain complicated the evil and made him fear tetanus.  This frightful word fell upon me like a death sentence.  In America I had seen many men die of this terrible malady, the result of wounds received in the war.  I approached the bed.  The abbe was so alarmed that he did not think of preventing me.  I took Edmee’s hand, cold and lifeless, as ever.  I kissed it a last time, and, without saying a single word to the others, went and gave myself up to the police.


I was immediately thrown into prison at La Chatre.  The public prosecutor for the district of Issoudun took in hand this case of the attempted murder of Mademoiselle de Mauprat, and obtained permission to have a monitory published on the morrow.  He went to the village of Sainte-Severe, and then to the farms in the neighbourhood of the Curat woods, where the event had happened, and took the depositions of more than thirty witnesses.  Then, eight days after I had been arrested, the writ of arrest was issued.  If my mind had been less distracted, or if some one had interested himself in me, this breach of the law and many others that occurred during the trial might have been adduced as powerful arguments in my favour.  They would at least have shown that the proceedings were inspired by some secret hatred.  In the whole course of the affair an invisible hand directed everything with pitiless haste and severity.

The first examination had produced but a single indictment against me; this came from Mademoiselle Leblanc.  The men who had taken part in the hunt declared that they knew nothing, and had no reason to regard the occurrence as a deliberate attempt at murder.  Mademoiselle Leblanc, however, who had an old grudge against me for certain jokes I had ventured to make at her expense, and who, moreover, had been suborned, as I learned afterward, declared that Edmee, on recovering from her first swoon, at a time when she was quite calm and in full possession of her reason, had confided to her, under a pledge of secrecy, that she had been insulted, threatened, dragged from her horse, and finally shot by me.  This wicked old maid, putting together the various revelations that Edmee had made in her delirium, had, cleverly enough, composed a connected narrative, and added to it all the embellishments that hatred could suggest.  Distorting the incoherent words and vague impressions of her mistress, she declared upon oath that Edmee had seen me point the barrel of my carbine at her, with the words, “As I swore, you shall die by my hand.”

Project Gutenberg
Mauprat from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.