The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 396 pages of information about The Writings of Samuel Adams.

The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 396 pages of information about The Writings of Samuel Adams.

Your Friend,

Be pleasd to acquaint Mrs A that I am in good Health.


[Ms., Samuel Adams Papers, Lenox Library]

Philade Novr 11th 1780


I have receivd no Letter from you since the 9th of October.  Some Accident prevented the Arrival of the Eastern Post last Monday and he is now not expected till the next.  I hope I shall then receive a Line from you, to let me know at least that you are well.  If you do not acknowledge the Receipt of my Letter of the 10th of October, I shall conclude that it fell into wrong hands:  for the Post that took Charge of the Letters from hence of that Date, was robbd of his Mail in Connecticut and it was carried to New York.  I am uncertain whether I sent that Letter to the Post Office, or deliverd it to Mr Torry who left this City about the same time.  If the Enemy have filchd it, their publishing it would do no good to them nor Injury to me or any one else.  Indeed it was an harmless thing, and worth no ones Notice but yours, and yours, only as it was intended to inform you that I was then, as I am at this Time, in good health.  I flatter myself you are always gratified when I can give you this Intelligence.

Novr 13th

The Post is just arrivd & has not brought me a Letter from you—­his latest Letters and Papers are dated the 26th of Octobr.  By the next we expect to receive Accounts of the Organization of our Government under the new Constitution, in all its Splendor—­ to see the Speech from the Chair—­the Answers from the several Branches of the Legislature—­congratulatory Addresses &c, &c.  I have been anxious, lest our Countrymen should misjudge in the Choice of their first Governor.  They are grateful; and I was affraid that from the Goodness of their Hearts they might be indued to give their Suffrages for a Man, who, they might conceive had done them eminent Services in other Stations, without a due Consideration whether he possesses those excellent Qualities which should characterize and dignify their chiefe Magistrate.  Our present Governors may probably stamp the moral as well as political Character of the People.  I shall most heartily rejoyce, if the “Abilities and disinterested Zeal” of the Gentleman called to fill the Chair prove adequate to the strong Expectations of my fellow Citizens in Boston, expressd in their late Vote of Thanks.  But why do I trouble you with a Subject of this Nature?  Let me ask you before I finish this Letter—­Are you in Health?  Have you a Sufficiency of Fire wood & other Necessaries for the approaching cold Season?  Are your Family Cares alleviated with the Visits & chearful Conversation of your Friends and mine?  You must answer me these Questions, for I am greatly interrested in them.  My Love to my Family and Friends.  Adieu my Dear.  Believe me to be most sincerely and affectionately

Project Gutenberg
The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.