Resurrection eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 633 pages of information about Resurrection.

Resurrection eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 633 pages of information about Resurrection.

“Ah, it seems that’s the way with all of them,” said the spirit trader; and after looking at her little girl she put down her knitting, and, drawing the child between her knees, began to search her head with deft fingers.  “Why do you sell spirits?” she went on.  “Why? but what’s one to feed the children on?”

These words brought back to Maslova’s mind her craving for drink.

“A little vodka,” she said to Korableva, wiping the tears with her sleeve and sobbing less frequently.

“All right, fork out,” said Korableva.



Maslova got the money, which she had also hidden in a roll, and passed the coupon to Korableva.  Korableva accepted it, though she could not read, trusting to Khoroshavka, who knew everything, and who said that the slip of paper was worth 2 roubles 50 copecks, then climbed up to the ventilator, where she had hidden a small flask of vodka.  Seeing this, the women whose places were further off went away.  Meanwhile Maslova shook the dust out of her cloak and kerchief, got up on the bedstead, and began eating a roll.

“I kept your tea for you,” said Theodosia, getting down from the shelf a mug and a tin teapot wrapped in a rag, “but I’m afraid it is quite cold.”  The liquid was quite cold and tasted more of tin than of tea, yet Maslova filled the mug and began drinking it with her roll.  “Finashka, here you are,” she said, breaking off a bit of the roll and giving it to the boy, who stood looking at her mouth.

Meanwhile Korableva handed the flask of vodka and a mug to Maslova, who offered some to her and to Khoroshavka.  These prisoners were considered the aristocracy of the cell because they had some money, and shared what they possessed with the others.

In a few moments Maslova brightened up and related merrily what had happened at the court, and what had struck her most, i.e., how all the men had followed her wherever she went.  In the court they all looked at her, she said, and kept coming into the prisoners’ room while she was there.

“One of the soldiers even says, ’It’s all to look at you that they come.’  One would come in, ‘Where is such a paper?’ or something, but I see it is not the paper he wants; he just devours me with his eyes,” she said, shaking her head.  “Regular artists.”

“Yes, that’s so,” said the watchman’s wife, and ran on in her musical strain, “they’re like flies after sugar.”

“And here, too,” Maslova interrupted her, “the same thing.  They can do without anything else.  But the likes of them will go without bread sooner than miss that!  Hardly had they brought me back when in comes a gang from the railway.  They pestered me so, I did not know how to rid myself of them.  Thanks to the assistant, he turned them off.  One bothered so, I hardly got away.”

“What’s he like?” asked Khoroshevka.

Project Gutenberg
Resurrection from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.