Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore.

Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore.

Garrofat received the parchment, and after a glance at it, passed it to Doola with a wink.  “Verily,” said he, “thou art indeed a bright youth.  Now be not impatient, I pray you,” he added hastily, on seeing the face of the prince grow dark.  “Think not that I have any desire to cheat you of the reward you have won, or almost won, I should say; for I have a further little test for you.”

It was with difficulty that Bright-Wits controlled his rage; while Garrofat continued in oily tones, “You have no doubt heard, among other things, that the Great Rajah Onalba was very fond of playing at games of skill.  Now it is only just that you should prove your title to be his successor by performing some of them.  On the wall beside you hang five shields, each smaller than the other.  Through the centre of each there is a hole.  You will see that they are numbered from one to five.  Behind you stand three spindles.  Now you must first place all the shields on one of the spindles, the largest, number five, on the bottom, and the smallest, number one, on the top.  Next you must transfer all five shields to the second spindle, moving but one shield at a time, and placing it either on a vacant spindle or on top of a larger shield.  You may use all three spindles in the task, which I assure you will test your bright wits to the full.”

[Illustration:  The five shields.]

[Illustration:  The five shields.]

[Illustration:  The five shields.]

Calming himself with an effort, the prince asked, “Do you mean that I am to do this task here and now?”

“Oh, no,” grinned Garrofat, “you may take the shields and spindles to your apartment, where you can work it out at your leisure.”

“Only don’t work on it at night, my dear Prince,” put in Doola, with a leer.  “The clattering of the shields would keep us all awake.”

“Some day, with the help of Allah, I will put you into a sleep that nothing will ever disturb,” cried Bright-Wits as he strode wrathfully from the hall.

If the reader would try this new task, he may cut out the shields at the back of the book.  For spindles he may use three square pieces of cardboard with a pin stuck through the centre of each.  After placing the shields on the first spindle the first move will be shield No. 1 to a vacant spindle.  Then shield No. 2 to another vacant spindle.  Then shield No. 1 on top of shield No. 2, and the rest as he may.


     The prince solves the game of Onalba, and divides the land of
     Zoltan, the Aga, to the dismay of Garrofat

Now followed another week of happiness spent with the princess and Ablano.  When the seventh day arrived at last, Bright-Wits presented himself in the Great Hall accompanied by slaves bearing the shields and spindles.

Project Gutenberg
Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.