Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore.

Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore.

“Look then, and believe,” cried the stranger.  Throwing the robe from before his face, Onalba, the Rajah, stood before them.  In an instant he was gathering Azalia and Bright-Wits to his bosom, while the villainous Garrofat and his cowardly brother fell stricken into the arms of the guards.

Loud cheers now rent the air.  Into the great square before the palace thousands of the people had gathered to greet their beloved Rajah, and to lay rich gifts at the feet of Prince Bright-Wits and the happy princess.  The next day the Rajah ordered a great feast in honour of the espousals.  Swift couriers were despatched to Mogadore to inform the father of Bright-Wits of the great good fortune that had befallen his son.

The seven weeks flew by on wings of love; and as Onalba had decreed, Bright-Wits and Azalia were married in the famous garden of the fountains.

     Now if you have worked out all the tasks which were set to the
     prince during his wonderful adventures in Parrabang, you can tell
     whether his happiness was easily won.


The Five Shields

To simplify explanation, set the spindles in a row.  We will then refer to them as L. for left, C. centre, and R. for the right hand spindle.  Move as follows, numbers refer to the shields.

Place No. 1 on C. Place No. 1 on L. " " 2 " R. " " 2 " C. " " 1 " R. " " 1 " C. " " 3 " C. " " 3 " L. " " 1 " L. " " 1 " R. " " 2 " C. " " 2 " L. " " 1 " C. " " 1 " L. " " 4 " R. " " 4 " C. " " 1 " R. " " 1 " C. " " 2 " L. " " 2 " R. " " 1 " L. " " 1 " R. " " 3 " R. " " 3 " C. " " 1 " C. " " 1 " L. " " 2 " R. " " 2 " C. " " 1 " R. " " 1 " C. Four are now And the riddle is solved. transferred. 31 moves.  Place No. 5 on C.

The Nine Disks

No absolute rule would apply to all positions, which makes this game more fascinating.  The following solution of one random placing of the disks will illustrate the general process.  To simplify explanation we will designate the counters as follows.

The gray counter with the square we will call G.s., the one with a triangle G.t., and the one with the circle G.c.  W.s., etc., for the white disks, and B.s., etc., for the black, placed at random on the following spots.

On spot No. 1 place B.c.  On spot No. 6 place W.t. " " " 2 " B.t. " " " 7 " B.s. " " " 3 " W.c. " " " 8 " G.t. " " " 4 " G.s. " " " 9 " G.c. " " " 5 " W.s.

Project Gutenberg
Bright-Wits, Prince of Mogadore from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.