Abraham Lincoln eBook

George Haven Putnam
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln eBook

George Haven Putnam
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln.

He may be allowed, in conclusion, to mention the encouragement given to him in beginning his work by the late Mr. Henry James, O.M., whose vivid and enthusiastic judgment of Lincoln he had the privilege of receiving.


Some events in History of United    Some events in English and
States.                              General History.

1759.  Capture of Quebec. 1759.  Capture of Quebec.

1757-60.  Ministry of Chatham
(William Pitt).

1760. Contrat Social published.

1764-76.  Great inventions in
spinning industries.

1765.  Stamp Act passed. 1765.  Watt’s steam engine.

1776.   Declaration of               1776.   Publication of “Wealth of
Independence                        Nations.”

1778.  Death of Chatham.

1782.  Rodney’s victory.

1783.  American Independence

1787.  Constitution framed. 
North West Territory ceded
by States to Congress and
slavery excluded from it.

1789.  Constitution comes into 1789.  Meeting of States General.

1793.   Eli Whitney invents cotton   1793.   England at war with French
gin.                                 Republic.

1794.  Slave Trade abolished by
French Convention.

1799.  Death of Washington.

1802.  Peace of Amiens.

1803.  Louisiana purchase. 1803.  England at war with

1804.  Death of Hamilton.

1805.  Trafalgar.

1806.  The American Fulton’s
steam-boat on Seine.

1807.   Fulton’s steam-boat on       1807.   Slave Trade abolished by
Hudson.                              Great Britain.
1808.   Slave Trade abolished by     1808.   Battle of Vimiera. 
U. S. A.                            Convention of Cintra.

Wordsworth’s literary
activity about at its

1809.  Abraham Lincoln born. 1809.  Darwin, Tennyson, and
Gladstone born.

1812-1814.  War with Great

1815.  Waterloo.

1820.  Missouri Compromise.

1823.  Monroe doctrine declared.

1825.  First railway opened in

1826.  Death of Jefferson. 1826.  Independence of Mexico and
Spanish Colonies in South
America recognised by

1827.  Navarino.

1828.  Commencement of
“nullification” movement. 
Election of Jackson.

1829.  Catholic emancipation.

1830.  Hayne-Webster debate.

1831.  Garrison publishes first 1831.  Mazzini founds Young
number of Liberator.  Italy. 
Lincoln starts life in New
First railway opened in

1832.  First Reform Bill.

Project Gutenberg
Abraham Lincoln from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.