Manhood Perfectly Restored eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Manhood Perfectly Restored.

Manhood Perfectly Restored eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Manhood Perfectly Restored.

The subject of Procreative Pathology deserves more careful and extended study and observation than the majority of our physicians have heretofore been inclined to give it.  Most of them have let the more numerous and oftentimes the more trivial cases daily coming under their notice crowd this most serious matter from sight, and when applied to for advice or treatment by sufferers from these disorders or debilities, have either pooh-poohed it or have given some simple (or useless) placebo, believing the trouble to be more imaginary than real.  Is it any wonder, then, that such patients have walked blindfold into the arms of quacks and charlatans who profess the most tender interest in even their minutest symptoms?

We have been led to make the foregoing remarks by what we have just finished reading in a very interesting and able work upon this subject recently issued from the press of the Civiale Remedial Agency, of 174 Fulton street, this city.  The subject matter of this book cannot fail to interest every man, young or old, and must prove of special interest to men just married, and to that large class of middle-aged men who find to their surprise and chagrin that while their bodily health is apparently excellent, their procreative powers have prematurely declined.

The fact of the establishment in this city of an original institution under reputable business management, each department of which is presided over by a physician of special skill and qualifications, is something of which every citizen should feel proud.  And to judge by the class of patients who may be found in their elegant consulting-rooms, and the very large amount of express and mail matter they are constantly receiving, we believe that they are appreciated.

With our magnificent hospitals, second to none in the world, our large medical colleges and dispensaries, and the establishment of so large and excellent an institution as the Civiale Agency, the main offices being now transferred from Paris to this city, New York may justly claim to be the great medical centre of the United States, and sooner or later of the world.

We maintain now, as we have always maintained, that the surest and best way to drive quacks and humbugs from any branch of medicine, is to have some of our very ablest and most honorable physicians make such a branch their specialty, and such is the course now being pursued by the Civiale Agency.

The very fact that it takes its name from and is engaged in manufacturing and prescribing the remedies of France’s most illustrious specialist, Prof.  Jean Civiale, is by itself evidence enough of its medical value and professional integrity.  Our feelings upon these matters, i.e., the great importance of their bearing upon both individual and national vigor and prosperity, the necessity for driving from this field of practice those quacks and humbugs who entrap the foolish and ignorant, those cheap and worthless remedies that flood the drug market—­our feelings upon these matters are, we repeat, very strong; and hence, when we find an institution for the treatment of these diseases conducted upon the highest moral, medical and business principles by men of undoubted medical and business standing and integrity, we feel that we cannot endorse them too heartily.

Project Gutenberg
Manhood Perfectly Restored from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.