Manhood Perfectly Restored eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Manhood Perfectly Restored.

Manhood Perfectly Restored eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Manhood Perfectly Restored.

Remember that these continued seminal discharges of an involuntary character disorder every function of the animal economy, and it may be added that while Spermatorrhoea produces so many ruinous effects peculiar to itself, it aggravates and excites any other disease which may co-exist with it.

The +features+ become +pale, emaciated and haggard+.  The +eyes are dead, sunken+ and lustreless, and in many cases hold in their depths +a look of wild, unsettled fear that denotes rapidly approaching insanity+.  The +bowels+ become +sluggish+, the +appetite capricious+, the +muscles weak+, the +urine pale+ and with +a heavy sediment of semen+ that drains away in it almost constantly. +Emissions+ at night becoming more frequent and copious—­sometimes bloody—­although the fluid secreted by the wasted testicles is +scarcely stronger than water+. +Sexual incapacity shows itself.+ +Ejaculation+ is either +too quick+ or else very +long delayed+.  The +skin+ becomes dry and sallow, the +liver congested and sluggish+. +The heart beats irregularly+, and any sudden sound, movement or fright sets it to beating violently. +Shortness of breath+ is complained of. +The brain becomes weaker and more sluggish day by day.+

{Illustration:  Fig. 6.  DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATIONS OF THE TESTICLES, DUCTS, &c.  Showing where the vital fluid is made and stored and how, and by what means it passes from the +Testes+ (where it is made) to the +Vesicles+ (where it is stored).  The heavy black marks on either side of the urine channel, show the relative position of the ejaculatory muscles.}

He generally loses flesh, and feels uneasiness in his stomach which suffers from many of the symptoms accompanying dyspepsia.  He is easily startled; the slamming of a door, the firing of a cracker, the falling of a book, a sudden touch, or even speaking to him unexpectedly, will cause him to start.  Cowardice is a sure consequence of Self-Abuse and involuntary emissions.  The appetite is irregular, often poor, sometimes voracious; the bowels are also variable in their action.  The prostatic portion of the urethra is frequently irritable and sometimes is very much +inflamed+; oftentimes there is a +thickening, a sponginess or puffiness+ of the parts immediately involving the ejaculatory ducts.  The mucous membrane of the vesiculae seminales becomes inflamed and thickened.  The +testicles+ and the +spermatic cord+ are oftentimes very tender and the seminal fluid is much thinner than natural.  Such a Patient has generally +dark spots under his eyes+, +a sharp nose+, and often +flushes of hectic color+ in his cheeks, particularly when in the presence of company, and there is more or less palpitation of the heart.  In the second stage, as in the first, the pollutions are diurnal and nocturnal; the latter are copious and recur frequently.  So insensible is the passage of semen that the patient is usually astonished and horrified on waking to find himself and +bedclothes saturated+ with this fluid,

Project Gutenberg
Manhood Perfectly Restored from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.