Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

wealth, position, influence, and reputation

well-being, happiness, prosperity, and distress

wild, restless, aimless, and erring

wisdom, judgment, understanding, and far-sightedness

wit, purity, energy, and simplicity

wonderful, interesting, active, and delightful

works, sorrows, visions, and experiences

worry, annoyance, awkwardness, and difficulty



Preposition “of”


abandon of spontaneity

abatement of misery

aberrations of judgment

abhorrence of meanness

absence of vainglory

abyss of ignominy

accent of conviction

accretions of time

accumulation of ages

accuracy of aim

acquisition of knowledge

activity of attention

acuteness of sensibility

admixture of fear

affectation of content

affinity of events

age of ignorance

agility of brain

agony of despair

air of assumption

ambitious of success

amiability of disposition

amplitude of space

anachronisms of thought

anchor of moderation

angle of vision

annulment of influence

aping of manners

apostle of culture

ardor of life

arrogance of opinion

aspect of grandeur

assumption of sternness

atmosphere of obscurity

attitude of mind

attribute of weakness

austerities of fanaticism

authority of manner

avalanche of scorn

avenues of dissemination


babel of tongues

ban of exclusion

barren of enthusiasm

barriers of reticence

bars of sunlight

basis of fact

beam of moonlight

beast of prey

beauty of imagery

beggared of faith

bent of mind

betrayal of trust

bevy of maidens

bewilderment of feeling

birds of prey

bit of portraiture

bitterness of anguish

blackness of spirit

blandishments of society

blast of adversity

blaze of fury

blend of dignity

bliss of solitude

bloom of earth

blow of fate

boldness of conception

bond of alliance

bone of contention

bouts of civility

breach of law

breath of life

breeze of anxiety

brilliancy of wit

brimful of fun

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.