Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

What are the precise characteristics

What are we to think of

What are you going to do

What can avail

What can be more intelligible

What can be more monstrous than

What can I say better

What commonly happens is this

What could be more captivating

What could be more true

What do we gain by

What do we understand to have been

What I mean is this

What I now say is

What I object to is

What I propose to do is

What I shall actually attempt to show here

What I suggest is

What is more important

What is more remarkable

What is the pretext

What is this but to say

What more shall I say

What remains but to wish you

What strikes the mind so forcibly

What, then, are we to believe

What, then, can be the reason

What, then, I may be asked

What, then, is the use

What, then, was the nature of

What was the consequence of

What we are concerned to know is

What we have most to complain of

What would you say

Whatever a man thinks

Whatever difference of opinion may exist

Whatever opinion I may express

Whatever the truth may be

When I am told

When I hear it said

When I remember the history

When I review these circumstances

When I speak of this question

When I thus profess myself

When one remembers

When we consider the vastness

When we contemplate

When we get so far as this

When we look closely at

When will men understand

When you are assured

When you did me the honor to invite me

Whence it is, I say

Whence was the proof to come

While acknowledging the great value

While I feel most keenly the honor

While I have hinted to you

Whilst I am on this matter

Who can deny the effect

Who can say in a word

Who does not like to see

Who has not felt the contrast

Who that reads does not see

Who will accuse me

Why, again, should I take notice

Why need you seek to disprove

Will any gentleman say

Will anyone answer

Will it be whispered

Will it not be well for us

Will you allow me to present to you

Will you bear with me

Will you mistake this

Will you permit me to thank you

With all my heart I share

With possibly a single exception

With respect to what has been said

With this ideal clearly before us

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.