Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Will you be more explicit?

Will you have the kindness to explain?

Will you pardon my curiosity?

Will you permit me a brief explanation?

Would you apply that to everyone?

Would you mind telling me your opinion?


Yes and no

Yes, but that is just what I fail to comprehend

Yes, I dare say

Yes, if you will be so good

Yes, it was extraordinarily fine

Yes, that is my earnest wish

Yes, that’s undeniable

Yes?  You were saying?

You agree with me, I know

You are a profound philosopher

You are a severe critic

You are delightfully frank

You are greatly to be envied

You are heartily welcome

You are incomprehensible

You are incorrigible

You are kind and comforting

You are most kind

You are not consistent

You are not serious, I hope

You are not seriously displeased with me?

You are quite delightful

You are rather puzzling to-day

You are right to remind me of that

You are unduly distressing yourself

You are very complimentary

You are very gracious

You’re so tremendously kind about it

You’re succeeding admirably

You’re taking it all much too seriously

You’re talking nonsense!

You’re very good, I’m sure

You ask me—­but I shouldn’t wonder if you knew better than I do

You astonish me greatly

You behaved with great forbearance

You can hardly be serious

You cannot regret it more than I do

You could not pay me a higher compliment

You did it excellently

You did not clearly understand what I meant

You don’t seem very enthusiastic

You excite my curiosity

You flatter my judgment

You have a genius for saying the right thing

You have asked me a riddle

You have asked the impossible

You have been wrongly informed

You have done me a great service

You have had a pleasant time, I hope

You have my deepest sympathy

You have my unbounded confidence

You have received a false impression

You have such an interesting way of putting things

You interest me deeply

You judge yourself too severely

You know I’m in an agony of curiosity

You know I’m not given to sentimentality

You know the familiar axiom

You leave no alternative

You look incredulous

You may be sure of my confidence

You may rely on me absolutely

You might make an exception

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.