Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Hoping to be favored with your order

How may we serve you further?

However, because of the special circumstances attached


I am compelled to inform you

I am confident that you will be thoroughly satisfied

I am directed to say to you

I am, gentlemen, yours faithfully

I am giving the matter my personal attention

I am, my dear sir, yours faithfully

I am still holding this offer open to you

I ask that you be good enough

I beg to request that you give me some information

I believe I understand perfectly just how you feel about

I have been favorably impressed by your

I have now much pleasure in confirming

I have pleasure in acknowledging

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt

I have the honor to remain

I herewith submit my application

I highly appreciate this mark of confidence

I look forward to pleasant personal relations in the future

I regret exceedingly to inform you

I remain, my dear sir, yours faithfully

I shall be pleased to forward descriptive circulars

I shall esteem it a personal favor

I should welcome an interview at your convenience

I sincerely hope that you will give the subject your earnest consideration

I take pleasure in replying to your inquiry concerning

I trust I shall hear from you soon

I want to express the hope that
our pleasant business relations will continue

I want to interest you

I want to thank you for your reply

I wish to confirm my letter

If I can be of further service, please address me

If it is not convenient for you

If there is any valid reason why you are unable

If we can be of service to you

If we can help you in any way

If we have not made everything perfectly clear, please let us know

If you accommodate us, the favor will be greatly appreciated

If you are interested, please let us hear from you

If you are thinking about ordering

If you desire, our representative will call

If you have any cause for dissatisfaction

If you give this matter your prompt attention

In accordance with the terms of our offer

In accordance with your request

In answering your inquiry regarding

In any event, a reply to this will be very much appreciated

In closing we can only assure you

In compliance with your favor

In compliance with your request, we are pleased to send to you

In conclusion, we can assure you

In order to facilitate our future transactions

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.