The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

Denmark, free treatment of syphilis in, 169

Disgrace, syphilis and, 142, 144

Disinfection of hands, dishes, etc., by washing and disinfectants, 114

Dispensaries for syphilis in large cities, 170

Drinking of alcoholic liquors, effect of, in syphilis, 137

“Drops,” 69

Drug stores and drug clerks, evil influence of, 175
  prescribing, suppression of, 168, 174

Drying, effect on germ of syphilis, 27

Dumbness (loss of speech) in hereditary syphilis, 104

Dyes, relation of, to salvarsan, 70

EARS, secondary recurrences affecting, 43

Ears, trouble in, in hereditary syphilis, 104

Eating utensils, transmission of syphilis by, 113, 115

Education and character in the control of syphilis, 160
  as means of controlling contagiousness of syphilis, 122

Ehrlich, Paul, 70

Engagements, syphilis contracted during, 117
  to marry in syphilitics, precautions in connection with, 129

England, action of, against drug stores prescribing for syphilis, 176
  provision for treatment of venereal disease in, 169
  treatment not compulsory in, 180

English-speaking countries, attitude on Metchnikoff prophylaxis in, 177

Eruptions, absence of, in serious syphilis, 46
  effect of mercury on syphilitic, 64
  in hereditary syphilis, 100
  non-syphilitic, 37
  recurrent, 42, 43
  secondary syphilitic, 36
  syphilitic, effect of salvarsan on, 74

Estimate of damage caused by syphilitic eye trouble, 103
  of frequency of relapse and recurrence in secondary syphilis, 125
  of increase of syphilis during war, in Paris, 183
  of percentage of marital syphilis, 119
  of percentage of non-genital syphilis, 119
  of prevalence of gonorrhea, 26
  of syphilis, 24, 25
  of risk of infecting wife, 125
  of syphilis in prostitutes, 134

Examination, medical, before marriage, 130
  limitations of, in detecting contagiousness, 123

Excesses, effect of, on the syphilitic, 137

Expense of treatment, effect of, 77, 84, 149

Expert advice, importance of, 32
  in secondary stage of syphilis, 86
  in pay patient clinics, 174
  services, value of, in control and
  treatment of syphilis, 173

Eye trouble in hereditary syphilis, 103
  in later life, 105
  in secondary syphilis, 36

Eyes, secondary syphilitic recurrences affecting, 43

FAMILY, economic forces working against, 158
  transmission of syphilis in, 116

Fathers of families, encouragement of early marriages by, 159
  syphilis in, 93, 126

Fiancee, non-genital chancre in, 129

First sore, 29. See also chancre

Fist chancre, 116

Five-year rule, 124, 126, 129
  in relation to marriage, 126

Project Gutenberg
The Third Great Plague from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.