The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

This chapter closes the discussion of syphilis as a problem for the every-day man and woman.  It represents essentially the cross-section of a moving stream.  Today’s truth may be tomorrow’s error in any field of human activity, and medicine is no exception to this law of change.  It is impossible to speak gospel about many things connected with syphilis, or to offer more than current opinion, based on the keenest investigation of the facts which modern methods make possible.  None the less, the great landmarks in our progress stand out with fair prospect of permanent place.  The germ, the recognition of the disease by blood test and dark field microscope, the treatment and prevention seem built on a firm foundation.  As they stand, without regard to further advances, they offer a brilliant future to a campaign for control To that campaign, each and every one of us can address himself with the prospect of adding his mite of energy to a tremendous movement for human betterment.  For every man or woman to whom the word syphilis can be made to mean, not a secret, private, shameful disease, but a great open problem in public health, a recruit has been called to the colors.  There are no signs more hopeful of the highest destiny for humanity than those of today which mark the transition of disease from a personal to a social problem.  Such a transition foreshadows the passing of syphilis.  In that transition, each one of us has his part.  Toward that consummation, a goal only to be won by united and stubborn assault, each one of us can contribute the comprehension, the sympathetic support, the indomitable determination, which make victory.


ABORTION, syphilis as cause of, 95

Abortive cure and marriage, 127
  of syphilis, 27, 86
  salvarsan in, 73, 79, 89
  time required for, 87

Accidents, late, 45. See also late syphilis

Advertising in regard to treatment for syphilis, 175, 176

Alcohol, effects of, in syphilis, 137

America, backwardness of, in movement against venereal diseases, 181
  state control of venereal diseases in, 170

American Social Hygiene Association, 165
  pamphlets, 161

Antibodies in disease, 54

Antiseptics, effect of, on germ of syphilis, 27

Appearance of chancre, time elapsing before, 29

Armpits, contagious patches in, 38

Army and navy, Metchnikoff prophylaxis in, 162
  probable outlook for venereal diseases in, 184
  proposed measures relative to venereal disease in, 183
  syphilis in, 25

Arsenic in salvarsan, 71

Arteries, effect of syphilis on, 47

Australia. See West Australia

BABIES, hereditary syphilis in, 99

Baltimore Vice Commission, report of, 134

Baths in treatment of syphilis, 140

Project Gutenberg
The Third Great Plague from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.