The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

Prostitutes in Baltimore, gonorrhea in, 134
  medical examination of, 135
  syphilis in, 134

Prostitution, abolition or repression of, 156, 157
  and syphilis, 18, 133
  clandestine, risks of, 136
  effects of liquor traffic on, 184
  regulation of, 156

Psoriasis, confusion of, with syphilitic eruptions, 37

Public Health, syphilis as problem of, 18
  Service, United States, estimates of prevalence of syphilis, 24
  opinion about syphilis, 141
  sentiment and reporting of syphilis to health officers, 178

Publicity, campaign for, 176

QUACKS, suppression of, 168, 174 treatment of syphilitics by, 140

Quarantine and freak legislation, 167
  compulsory, for irresponsible syphilitics, 153
  limitations of, in controlling spread of syphilis, 121
  temporary, for syphilis, in hospitals, 172

Quiescent period following entry of germ, 28

RAILROAD MEN, locomotor ataxia and general paralysis in, 50

Rash. See eruption

Recurrences, contagiousness of, 111
  estimated frequency of, in secondary syphilis, 125
  in secondary stage, 42, 43

Re-infection with syphilis, 139

Relapses, contagious, in syphilis, 42
  frequency of, in secondary stage, 125
  in nervous system, 43

Reporting of syphilis, attitude of various countries on, 179
  to health officers, 178

Resistance of body to syphilis, 29, 107, 112

Rest, need of, in syphilis, 137

Restaurants, risk of transmitting syphilis under conditions found in, 115

Rheumatism, symptoms resembling, in secondary syphilis, 36

Ricord, founder of modern syphilology, 13

Rub, mercurial. See inunction

Rule, five-year, 124, 126, 129
  for marriage of syphilitics. See marriage
  for personal hygiene of syphilitics, 136
  governing miscarriage and abortion due to syphilis, 96
  sexual relations in syphilitics, 138
  variations on, in hereditary syphilis, 96

SALIVA, syphilitic germs in, 38

Salvarsan, accidents due to, 78
  action of, in syphilis, 73
  and abortive cure, 73, 79, 89
  and mercury, comparative value of, 68, 89
    in pregnancy, 97
  animal tests on, 71
  arsenic in, 71
  as a social asset, 78
  cheap, vital importance of, 172
  combination of arsenic and dye, 70, 71
  correct administration of, 77
  discovery of, 70
  effect of first dose, 78
    of insufficient treatment with, 76
    on mucous patches, 74
  expense of treatment with, 76
  importance of, in controlling contagiousness of syphilis, 73, 74, 122
  in treatment, 89
  in control of syphilis in prostitutes, 157
  methods of giving, 75

Project Gutenberg
The Third Great Plague from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.