Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole.

Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole.

      Anterior part with 3 equatorial Genus *_Ceratium_
      and no rhombic plates

   9.  Anterior part with 14 equatorial Genus Pyrophacus
      and 1 rhombic plates

      Anterior part with 7 equatorial Genus Goniodoma

      Anterior part with 4 equatorial Genus Amphidoma

  10.  Apical extremity drawn out Genus Podolampas
      into a tube

      Apical extremity not drawn out Genus Blepharocysta
      into a tube

  11.  Cross-furrow deep, with great Genus Ceratocorys
      ledge-like walls

      Cross-furrow wide, no ledge-like Genus Oxytoxum

   * Presence at Woods Hole indicated by asterisk.


Diagnostic characters:  The cross-furrow is above the center of the body, and its edges, as well as the left edge of the longitudinal furrow, are usually produced into characteristic ledges; those of the cross-furrow usually form great funnel-like anterior processes, while those of the longitudinal furrow usually form great, lateral, wing-like processes ornamented by ribs and other markings.

   1.  Without shell; longitudinal Genus *_Amphidinium_
      furrow may open & close

   2.  With shell; longitudinal furrow 3

   3.  With distinct apical funnel 4

      No apical funnel Genus Phalacroma

   4.  With great wing-like ledge 5

      Ledges very small; body long, Genus Amphisolenia

   5.  Ledge of longitudinal furrow 6
      extends to posterior end

Ledge of longitudinal furrow Genus Dinophysis does not extend to posterior end (Recorded by Peck (’93-’95) as very abundant at Woods Hole and in Buzzards Bay.)

   6.  Ledge is continued dorsally to Genus Ornithocercus
      the cross-furrow

      Ledge is not continued dorsally 7

   7.  With deep dorsal cavity; Genus Citharistes
      secondary funnel not notched

      No dorsal cavity; secondary Genus Histioneis
      funnel deeply notched

   * Presence at Woods Hole indicated by asterisk.

Genus EXUVIAELLA Cienkowsky ’82.

(Klebs ’81; Pouchet ’83, ’86.)

The form varies from globular to ovoid, with occasionally a sharp posterior end.  Shells are usually somewhat compressed, and consist of two valves, which frequently slide one over the other in such a manner as to show the structure with great clearness.  The right shell may have a distinct indentation in the anterior edge.  There are two lateral, discoid, brown chromatophores, each of which possesses a central amylum granule.  The nucleus is posterior.  Salt water.

Project Gutenberg
Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.