Pascal's Pensées eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Pascal's Pensées.

Pascal's Pensées eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Pascal's Pensées.

  their religion must be differently regarded in the Bible and in
    their tradition, 600;
  and is wholly divine, 602;
  the carnal, 606, 607, 661, 746;
  true, and true Christians have the same religion, 609;
  their advantages, 619;
  their antiquity, 627;
  their sincerity, 629, 630;
  their long and miserable existence, 639;
  the, expressly made to witness to the Messiah, 640;
  earthly thoughts of the, 669;
  were the slaves of sin, 670;
  their zeal for the law, 700, 701;
  the devil troubled their zeal, 703;
  their captivity, 712;
  reprobation of the, 712;
  accustomed to great miracles, 745;
  the, but not all, reject Christ, 759;
  the, in slaying Him, have proved Him to be the Messiah, 760;
  their dilemma, 761

Job and Solomon, 174

John, St., the Baptist, 775

Joseph, 622, 697, 767

Josephus, 628, 786

Joshua, 626

  the, and the intellect, 4;
  of another easily prejudiced, 105

Just, the, act by faith, 504

  the, of God, 233;
  relation of, to law and custom, 294, 325;
  and might, 298, 299;
  determined by custom, 309;
  is what is established, 312

  the, surrounded by people to amuse him, 139;
  a, without amusement, is full of wretchedness, 142;
  why he inspires respect, 308;
  and tyrant, 310;
  on what his power is founded, 330

  limitations of man’s, 72;
  of ourselves impossible, apart from the mystery of the transmission
    of sin, 434;
  of God and of man’s wretchedness found in Christ, 526

Koran, the, 596

Lackeys, afford a means of social distinction, 318, 319

Language, 27, 45, 49, 53, 54, 59, 648

  the, and nature, 519;
  the, and grace, 521;
  the, of the Jews, the oldest and most perfect, 618

  the, are the only universal rules, 299;
  two, rule the Christian Republic, 484

Liancourt, the frog and the pike of, 341

  human, a perpetual illusion, 100;
  we desire to live an imaginary, 147;
  short duration of, 205;
  only, between us and heaven or hell, 213

  nature of self-, 100, 455;
  causes and effects of, 162, 163;
  nothing so opposed to justice and truth as self-, 492

Lusts, the three, 458, 460, 461

  the, 246, 247;
  the arithmetical, 340

Macrobius, 178, 179

Magistrates, make a show to strike the imagination, 82

Mahomet, 590;
  without authority, 594;
  his own witness, 595;
  a false prophet, 596;
  is ridiculous, 597;
  difference between Christ and, 598, 599;
  religion of, 600

Project Gutenberg
Pascal's Pensées from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.