Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
a’mo:, ama:’re (love)       mo’neo:, mone:’re (advise)
PRES.  STEM ama:-             PRES.  STEM mone:-

  1. a’mo:, I love mo’neo:, I advise -o: 
  2. a’ma:s, you love mo’ne:s, you advise -s
  3. a’mat, he (she, it) loves mo’net, he (she, it) advises -t

1. ama:’mus, we love           mone:’mus, we advise         -mus
2. ama:’tis, you love          mone:’tis, you advise        -tis
3. a’mant, they love          mo’nent, they advise         -nt
1.  The present tense is inflected by adding the personal endings to the present stem, and its first person uses -o and not -m.  The form amo:\ is for ama-o:\, the two vowels a-o:\ contracting to o:\.  In moneo:\ there is no contraction. _Nearly all regular verbs ending in -eo belong to the second conjugation._

  2.  Note that the long final vowel of the stem is shortened before
  another vowel (mone:-o:  = mo’neo:), and before final -t (amat,
  monet) and -nt (amant, monent).  Compare Sec. 12.2.

129. Like amo:\ and moneo:\ inflect the present active indicative of the following verbs[2]: 

    [Footnote 2:  The only new verbs in this list are the five of the
    second conjugation which are starred.  Learn their meanings.]

   a’ro, I plow ara’re, to plow
   cu’ro, I care for cura’re, to care for
  de:’leo:, _I destroy_ de:le:’re, _to destroy_
   desi’dero, _I long for_ desidera’re, _to long for_
   do,[3] _I give_ da’re, _to give_
ha’beo:, I have habe:’re, to have
   ha’bito, I live, I dwell habita’re, to live, to dwell
  iu’beo:, _I order_ iube:’re, _to order_
   labo’ro, _I labor_ labora’re, _to labor_
   lau’do, _I praise_ lauda’re, _to praise_
   matu’ro, _I hasten_ matura’re, _to hasten_
mo’veo:, I move move:’re, to move
   nar’ro, I tell narra’re, to tell
   ne’co, I kill neca’re, to kill
   nun’tio, I announce nuntia’re, to announce
   pa’ro, I prepare para’re, to prepare
   por’to, I carry porta’re, to carry
   pro’pero, I hasten propera’re, to hasten
   pug’no, I fight pugna’re, to fight
  vi’deo:, _I see_ vide:’re, _to see_
   vo’co, _I call_ voca’re, _to call_

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.