Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
       ei:, to or for it
  Acc. eum, him; eam, her; id, it
  Abl. eo:, with, from, etc., him;
       ea:, with, from, etc., her;
       eo:, with, from, etc., it

  Nom. ei:  or ii:, eae, ea, they
  Gen. eo:rum, ea:rum, eo:rum, of them, their
  Dat. ei:s or ii:s, ei:s or ii:s, ei:s or ii:s,
          to or for them
  Acc. eo:s, ea:s, ea, them
  Abl. ei:s or ii:s, ei:s or ii:s, ei:s or ii:s,
          with, from, etc., them

116. Comparison between suus and is.  We learned above (Sec. 98.c) that suus\ is a _reflexive_ possessive.  When _his, her_ (poss.), _its, their_, do not refer to the subject of the sentence, we express _his, her, its_ by eius\, the genitive singular of is\, ea\, id\; and _their_ by the genitive plural, using eorum\ to refer to a masculine or neuter antecedent noun and earum\ to refer to a feminine one.


  Galba calls his (own) son,
    Galba suum filium vocat
  Galba calls his son (not his own, but another’s),
    Galba eius filium vocat
  Julia calls her (own) children,
    Iulia suos liberos vocat
  Julia calls her children (not her own, but another’s),
    Iulia eius liberos vocat
  The men praise their (own) boys,
    viri suos pueros laudant
  The men praise their boys (not their own, but others’),
    viri eorum pueros laudant


First learn the special vocabulary, p. 287.

1.  He praises her, him, it, them. 2.  This cart, that report, these teachers, those women, that abode, these abodes. 3.  That strong garrison, among those weak and sick women, that want of firmness, those frequent plans.

4.  The other woman is calling her chickens (her own). 5.  Another woman is calling her chickens (not her own). 6.  The Gaul praises his arms (his own). 7.  The Gaul praises his arms (not his own). 8.  This farmer often plows their fields. 9.  Those wretched slaves long for their master (their own). 10.  Those wretched slaves long for their master (not their own). 11.  Free men love their own fatherland. 12.  They love its villages and towns.

118. DIALOGUE[1]


  M. Quis est vir, Corneli, cum puero parvo?  Estne Romanus et liber? 
  C. Romanus non est, Marce.  Is vir est servus et eius domicilium est in
    silvis Galliae. 
  M. Estne puer filius eius servi an alterius? 
  C. Neutrius filius est puer.  Is est filius legati Sexti. 
  M. Quo puer cum eo servo properat? 

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.