Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

iacio:, -ere, ie:ci:, iactus, throw, hurl iam, adv. now, already.
  nec iam, and no longer
Ia:niculum, -i:, n. the Janiculum, one of the hills of Rome ia:nua, -ae, f. door ibi, adv. there, in that place I:carus, -i:, m. Ic’arus, the son of Daedalus ictus, -u:s, m. [[cf. i:co:, strike]], blow i:dem, e’adem, idem, demonstrative pron. [[is + dem]], same
    (Sec. 481)
ido:neus, -a, -um, adj. suitable, fit igitur, conj., seldom the first word, therefore, then.  Cf. itaque ignis, -is, m. fire (Secs. 243.1; 247. 2.a; 465, 1) igno:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, not, + (g)notus, known]],
    unknown, strange
ille, illa, illud, demonstrative adj. and pron. that (yonder); as
    pers. pron. he, she, it (Sec. 481)
illi:c, adv. [[cf. ille]], yonder, there im-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus [[in, against, + mitto:, send]],
    send against; let in
immolo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[in, upon, + mola, meal]],
    sprinkle with sacrificial meal; offer, sacrifice
im-morta:lis, -e, adj. [[in-, not, + mortalis, mortal]],
im-morta:lita:s, -a:tis, f. [[immorta:lis, immortal]], immortality im-para:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, not, + para:tus, prepared]],
impedi:mentum, -i:, n. [[impedio:, hinder]], hindrance; in plur.
impedi:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of impedio:, hinder]], hindered,

im-pello:, -ere, -puli:, -pulsus [[in, against, + pello:,
    strike]], strike against; impel, drive, propel
impera:tor, -o:ris, m. [[impero:, command]], general imperium, impe’ri:, n. [[impero:, command]], command, order; realm,
    empire; power, authority

impero:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, command, order.  Usually with dat. and
    an object clause of purpose (Sec. 501.41). 
  With acc. object, levy, impose
impetus, -u:s, m. attack, impetum facere in, make an attack upon im-po:no:, -ere, -posui, -positus [[in, upon, + po:no:, place]],
    place upon; impose, assign
in, prep, with acc. into, to, against, at, upon, towards; with abl.
    in, on.
  in reliquum tempus, for the future
in-, inseparable prefix.  With nouns and adjectives often with a
    negative force, like English un-, in-
in-cautus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, not, + cautus, careful]], off
    one’s guard

incendium, incendi:, n. flame, fire.  Cf. ignis, flamma in-cendo:, -ere, -di:, -ce:nsus, set fire to, burn in-cido:, -ere, -cidi:, ——­, [[in, in, on, + cado:, fall]],
    fall in, fall on; happen.
  in furo:rem incidere, go mad

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.