Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
    by storm, capture
exsilium, exsi’li:, n. [[exsul, exile]], banishment, exile ex-specto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[ex, out, + specto:, look]],
    expect, wait
ex-struo:, -ere, -stru:xi:, -stru:ctus [[ex, out, + struo:,
    build]], build up, erect
exterus, -a, -um, adj., compared exterior, extre:mus or extimus,
    outside, outer (Sec. 312)
extra:, prep, with acc. beyond, outside of ex-traho:, -ere, -tra:xi:, -tra:ctus [[ex, out, + traho:, drag]],
    drag out, pull forth
extre:mus, -a, -um, adj., superl. of exterus, utmost, farthest
    (Sec. 312)


fa:bula, -ae, f. story, tale, fable
facile, adv. [[facilis, easy]], compared facilius, facillime:,
    easily (Sec. 322)
facilis, -e, adj. [[cf. facio:, make]], easy, without difficulty
    (Sec. 307)
facio:, -ere, fe:ci:, factus (imv. fac), make, do; cause, bring
  impetum facere in, make an attack upon.
  proelium facere, fight a battle.
  iter facere, make a march or journey.
  aliquem certio:rem facere, inform some one.
  facere verba pro:, speak in behalf of
    Passive fi:o:, fieri:, factus sum, be done, happen.
      certior fieri:, be informed
fallo:, -ere, fefelli:, falsus, trip, betray, deceive
fa:ma, -ae, f. report, rumor; renown, fame, reputation
fame:s, -is (abl. fame:), f. hunger
familia, -ae, f. servants, slaves; household, family
fasce:s, -ium (plur. of fascis), f. fasces (p. 225)
fasti:gium, fasti:’gi:, n. top; slope, descent
fa:tum, -i:, n. fate, destiny
fauce:s, -ium, f. plur. jaws, throat
faveo:, -e:re, fa:vi:, fautu:rus, be favorable to, favor, with dat. 
    (Sec. 501.14)
fe:li:x, -i:cis, adj. happy, lucky
fe:mina, -ae, f. woman.  Cf. mulier
fera, -ae, f. [[ferus, wild]], wild beast
fera:x, -a:cis, adj. fertile
fere:, adv. about, nearly, almost
fero:, ferre, tuli:, la:tus, bear.
  graviter or moleste:  ferre, be annoyed (Sec. 498)
ferreus, -a, -um, adj. [[ferrum, iron]], made of iron
fide:lis, -e, adj. [[fide:s, trust]], faithful, true
fide:s, fidei:  or fide:, trust, faith; promise, word; protection.
  in fidem veni:re, come under the protection.
  in fide:  mane:re, remain loyal
fi:lia, -ae (dat. and abl. plur. fi:lia:bus), f. daughter (Sec. 461.a)
fi:lius, fi:li:  (voc. sing, fi:li:), m. son
fi:nis, -is, m. boundary, limit, end; in plur. territory, country
    (Sec. 243.1)
fi:nitimus, -a, -um, adj. [[fi:nis, boundary]],

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.