Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.


Daedalus, -i:, m. Daed’alus, the supposed inventor of the first flying
Da:vus, -i:, m. Davus, name of a slave
de:, prep, with abl. down from, from; concerning, about, for
    (Sec. 209).
  qua:  de:  causa:, for this reason, wherefore
dea, -ae, f. goddess (Sec. 461.a)
de:beo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus [[de:, from, + habeo:, hold]], owe,
    ought, should

decem, indecl. numeral adj. ten
de:-cerno:, -ere, -cre:vi:, -cre:tus [[de:, from, + cerno:,
    separate]], decide, decree
de:-cido:, -ere, -cidi:, ——­ [[de:, down, + cado:, fall]], fall

decimus, -a, -um, numeral adj. tenth
de:cli:vis, -e, adj. sloping downward
de:-do:, -ere, -didi:, -ditus, give up, surrender, se:  de:dere,
    surrender one’s self
de:-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus [[de:, down, + du:co:, lead]],
    lead down, escort
de:-fendo:, -ere, -di:, -fe:nsus, ward off, repel, defend
de:-fero:, -ferre, -tuli:, -la:tus [[de:, down, + fero:, bring]],
    bring down; report, announce (Sec. 426)
de:-fessus, -a, -um, adj. tired out, weary
de:-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[de:, from, + facio:, make]],
    fail, be wanting; revolt from
de:-fi:go:, -ere, -fi:xi:, -fi:xus [[de:, down, + fi:go:, fasten]],
    fasten, fix
de:-icio:, -ere, -ie:ci:, -iectus [[de:, down, + iacio:, hurl]],
    hurl down; bring down, kill
de-inde, adv. (from thence), then, in the next place
de:lecto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, delight
de:leo:, -e:re, -e:vi:, -e:tus, blot out, destroy
de:li:bero:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, weigh, deliberate, ponder
de:-ligo:, -ere, -le:gi:, -le:ctus [[de:, from, + lego:, gather]],
    choose, select
Delphicus, -a, -um, adj. Delphic
de:missus, -a, -um [[part. of de:mitto:, send down]], downcast,

de:-mo:nstro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[de:, out, + mo:nstro:,
    point]], point out, show
de:mum, adv. at last, not till then.
  tum de:mum, then at last
de:nique, adv. at last, finally.  Cf. postre:mo: 
de:ns, dentis, m. tooth (Sec. 247.2.a)
de:nsus, -a, -um, adj. dense, thick
de:-pendeo:, -e:re, ——­, ——­ [[de:, down, + pendeo:, hang]], hang
    from, hang down

de:-plo:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[de:, intensive, + plo:ro:,
    wail]], bewail, deplore
de:-po:no:, -ere, -posui:, -positus [[de:, down, + po:no:, put]],
    put down
de:-scendo:, -ere, -di:, -sce:nsus [[de:, down,

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.