Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.


  ami:citia, -ae\, f., _friendship_ (amicable)
itaque\, conj., and so, therefore, accordingly
  littera, -ae\, f., _a letter_ of the alphabet;
    plur., _a letter, an epistle_
metus, metu:s\, m., fear
  nihil\, indeclinable, n., _nothing_ (nihilist)
nu:ntius, nu:nti:\, m., messenger.  Cf. nu:ntio: 
  pa:x, pa:cis\, f., _peace_ (pacify)
re:gnum, -i:\, n., reign, sovereignty, kingdom
  supplicum, suppli’ci:\, n., _punishment_;
supplicum su:mere de:\, with abl., inflict punishment on;
    supplicum dare\, _suffer punishment_.  Cf. poena

  placeo:, place:re, placui:, placitus\, _be pleasing to, please_,
    with dative.  Cf.  Sec. 154
su:mo:, su:mere, su:mpsi:, su:mptus\, take up, assume
  sustineo:, sustine:re, sustinui:, sustentus\, _sustain_

LESSON L, Sec. 288

corpus, corporis\, n., _body_ (corporal) de:nsus, -a, -um\, dense i:dem, e’adem, idem\, demonstrative pronoun, _the same_ (identity) ipse, ipsa, ipsum\, intensive pronoun, self; even, very mi:rus, -a, -um\, _wonderful, marvelous_ (miracle) o:lim\, adv., formerly, once upon a time pars, partis (-ium)\, f., _part, region, direction_ quoque\, adv., also.  Stands after the word which it emphasizes so:l, so:lis\, m., _sun_ (solar) ve:rus, -a, -um\, true, real (verity)

  de:beo:, de:be:re, de:bui:, de:bitus\, _owe, ought_ (debt)
e:ripio:, e:ripere, e:ripui:, e:reptus\, snatch from

LESSON LI, Sec. 294

  hic, haec, hoc\, demonstrative pronoun, _this_ (of mine);
    _he, she, it_
ille, illa, illud\, demonstrative pronoun that (yonder);
    he, she, it
  invi:sus, -a, -um\, _hateful, detested_, with dative Cf.  Sec. 143
iste, ista, istud\, demonstrative pronoun, that (of yours);
    he, she, it
  li:berta:s, -a:tis\, f., _liberty_
modus, -i:\, m., measure; manner, way, mode
  no:men, no:minis\, n., _name_ (nominate)
oculus, -i:\, m., eye (oculist)
  pri:stinus, -a, -um\, _former, old-time_ (pristine)
pu:blicus, -a, -um\, public, belonging to the state;
    re:s pu:blica, rei:  pu:blicae\, f., _the commonwealth, the state,
    the republic_
vesti:gium, vesti:’gi:\, n., footprint, track; trace, vestige
  vo:x, vo:cis\, f., _voice_

LESSON LII, Sec. 298

  incolumis, -e\, _unharmed_
ne:  ... quidem\, adv., not even.  The emphatic word stands between
    ne:\ and quidem
nisi\, conj., unless, if ... not
  paene\, adv., _almost_ (pen-insula)
satis\, adv., enough, sufficiently (satisfaction)
  tantus, -a, -um\, _so great_
ve:ro:\, adv., truly, indeed, in fact.  As a conj. but, however,
    usually stands second, never first.

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.