Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

  adventus, -u:s\, m., _approach, arrival_ (advent)
ante\, prep, with acc., before (ante-date)
  cornu:, -u:s\, n., _horn, wing_ of an army (cornucopia);
a:  dextro:  cornu:\, on the right wing;
    a:  sinistro:  cornu:\, _on the left wing_
equita:tus, -u:s\, m., cavalry
  exercitus, -u:s\, m., _army_
impetus, -u:s\, m., attack (impetus);
    impetum facere in\, with acc., _to make an attack on_
lacus, -u:s\, dat. and abl. plur. lacubus, m., lake
  manus, -u:s\, f., _hand; band, force_ (manual)
portus, -u:s\, m., harbor (port)
  post\, prep, with acc., _behind, after_ (post-mortem)

  cremo:, crema:re, crema:vi:, crema:tus\, _burn_ (cremate)
exerceo:, exerce:re, exercui:, exercitus\, practice, drill, train


   Athe:nae, -a:rum, f., plur., Athens
   Corinthus, -i:, f., Corinth
  domus, -u:s\, locative domi:\, f., house, home (dome). 
    Cf. domicilium
  Gena:va, -ae\, f., _Geneva_
   Pompe:ii, -o:rum, m., plur., _Pompeii_, a city in Campania.  See map
propter\, prep. with acc., on account of, because of
   ru:s, ru:ris, in the plur. only nom. and acc. ru:ra, n., country
  tergum, tergi:\, n., _back_; a:  tergo:, _behind, in the rear_
vulnus, vulneris\, n., wound (vulnerable)

  committo:, committere, commi:si:, commissus\, _intrust, commit;_
proelium committere\, join battle
  convoco:, convoca:re, convoca:vi:, convoca:tus\, _call together,
    summon_ (convoke)
timeo:, time:re, timui:, ——­\, fear; be afraid (timid)
  verto:, vertere, verti:, versus\, _turn, change_ (convert);
terga vertere\, to turn the backs, hence to retreat


  acie:s, -e:i:\, f., _line of battle_
aesta:s, aesta:tis\, f., summer
  annus, -i:\, m., _year_ (annual)
die:s, die:i:\, m., day (diary)
  fide:s, fidei:\, no plur., f., _faith, trust; promise, word;
    protection_; in fidem veni:re, _to come under the protection_
fluctus, -u:s\, m. wave, billow (fluctuate)
  hiems, hiemis\, f., _winter_
ho:ra, -ae\, f., hour
  lu:x, lu:cis\, f., _light_ (lucid); pri:ma lux, _daybreak_
meri:die:s\, acc. -em, abl. -e:, no plur., m., midday
  nox, noctis (-ium)\, f., _night_ (nocturnal)
pri:mus, -a, -um\, first (prime)
  re:s, rei:\, f., _thing, matter_ (real);
re:s gestae\, deeds, exploits (lit. things performed);
    re:s adversae\, _adversity_;
re:s secundae\, prosperity
  spe:s, spei:\, f., _hope_

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.