Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

  legio:na:rius, -a, -um\,[A] _legionary, belonging to the legion_. 
    As a noun, legio:na:rii:, -o:rum, m., plur., _legionary soldiers_
li:ber, li:bera, li:berum\, free (liberty) As a noun. li:beri:,
    -o:rum, m., plur., children (lit. the freeborn)
  pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum\, _pretty, beautiful_

  apud\, _among_, with acc.

  sed\, _but_

    [Footnote A:  The genitive singular masculine of adjectives in -ius
    ends in -ii:  and the vocative in -ie; not in -i:, as in nouns.]


  auxilium, auxi’li:\, n., _help, aid_ (auxiliary)
castrum, -i:\, n., fort (castle); plur., camp (lit. forts)
  cibus, -i:\, m., _food_
co:nsilium, co:nsi’li:\, n., plan (counsel)
  di:ligentia, -ae\, f., _diligence, industry_
   magister, magistri:, m., _master, teacher_[A]

ADJECTIVES aeger, aegra, aegrum\, _sick_ cre:ber, cre:bra, cre:brum\, frequent miser, misera, miserum\, _wretched, unfortunate_ (miser)

    [Footnote A:  Observe that dominus, as distinguished from
magister\, means master in the sense of owner.]

LESSON XV, Sec. 107

NOUNS carrus, -i:\, m., _cart, wagon_ inopia, -ae\, f., want, lack; the opposite of co:pia studium, studi:\, n., _zeal, eagerness_ (study)

arma:tus, -a, -um\, armed
  i:nfi:rmus, -a, -um\, _week, feeble_ (infirm)
   vali’dus, -a, -um, _strong, sturdy_

  ma:tu:rat\, _he (she, it) hastens._ Cf. properat

  iam\, _already, now_

  /-que\, conjunction, and; an enclitic (cf.  Sec. 16) and always added
  to the second of two words to be connected, as arma te:la’que,
  arms and weapons.


NOUNS agri:  cultu:ra, -ae\, f., _agriculture_ Gallia, -ae\, f., Gaul domicili:um, domi:ci’li:\, n., _dwelling place_ (domicile), _abode_ Gallus, -i\, m., a Gaul lacrima, -ae\, f., _tear_ fe:mina, -ae\, f., woman (female) numerus, -i:\, m., _number_ (numeral)

ma:tu:rus, -a, -um\, ripe, mature

   quo:, whither

   arat, he (she, it) plows (arable)
  de:si:derat\, _he (she, it) misses, longs for_ (desire), with acc.

  an\, _or_, introducing the second half of a double question, as
  _Is he a Roman or a Gaul_, Estne Romanus an Gallus?

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.