Roumania Past and Present eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 387 pages of information about Roumania Past and Present.

Roumania Past and Present eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 387 pages of information about Roumania Past and Present.
Latin                    Roumanian                   English
Danubius                 Dunarea                     Danube
Porata                   Prutu                       Pruth
Ardiscus                 Argesu                      Ardges
Alutus                   Oltu                        Olto
Turris Severi            Turnu-Severinu              Turn Severin
Nicopolis                Nicopolu                    Nicopolis
Caracalla                Caracalu                    Caracal
Dravus                   Drava                       Drave
Carpates                 Carpati                     Carpathians

Then, again, amongst common names of things and qualities there are objects which could not change, such as parts of the body, well-known animals of all ages, &c., as for example:—­

Latin                    Roumanian                   English[67]
Aqua                     Apa                         Water
Aurum                    Auru                        Gold
Ferrum                   Fer                         Iron
Barbatus                 Barbatu                     A (bearded) man
Caput                    Cap                         Head
Manus                    Mana                        Hand
Nasus                    Nas                         Nose
Vena                     Vina                        Vein
Os                       Os                          Bone
Oculus                   Ochiu                       Eye
Digitus                  Deget                       Finger
Pes                      Picior                      Foot
Pectus                   Pept                        Breast
Canis                    Cane                        Dog
Piscis                   Pesce                       Fish
Dominus                  Domnu                       Lord
Umbra                    Umbra                       Shade
Frigidus                 Frigu                       Cold
Calidus                  Caldu                       Warm
Albus                    Alb                         White
Niger                    Negru                       Black
Casa                     Casa                        A cottage

and so on through the whole vocabulary of common things and attributes.

On the other hand, when we come to examine the words of barbarian origin, we find that they relate to the character of the dominant race and their rule over the natives.  If we take, for example, the words of Magyar or Hungarian origin, we find them to denote war, conquest, mining, taxation, punishment, &c., such as baia, mine; banui, repent, rue; bereu, a wood; bicao, fetters (on the feet); *_bir_, poll-tax; birau, a judge; bitangu, wandering about; bucni, to strike; buzdugany, war-club; catanie, soldiers, soldiers’ habits; cheltui, to give or spend lavishly; fagadau, drink-shop; giulus, the Reichstag, or national assembly; hodnogiu, lieutenant (from had, war); hotar, boundary; *_lantiu_, chain; odorbireu, headsman; *_tabara_, camp, war, army; varda, watch-house; and so on.[68]

Project Gutenberg
Roumania Past and Present from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.