The Religion of Numa eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about The Religion of Numa.

The Religion of Numa eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about The Religion of Numa.

Metaurus, 96

Minerva, 44 ff. 
  Cp.  Wissowa, in P.W. s.v.;
  R.R. 203 ff.

Mithradates, 127

Mithras, 138. 
  Cp. R.R. 307 ff.;
  Cumont, Textes et monuments, etc. (2 vols.), Brussels, 1896

Mommsen, 18

Mundus, 15. 
  Cp. R.F. 211;
  De Marchi, i. 184;
  R.R. 188

Mythology, absence of, in Rome, 8. 
  Cp. R.R. 20 ff.

Name, importance of, 6. 
  Cp.  Frazer, Golden Bough, i. 403 ff.

Nemi, 54

Neptune, 80. 
  Cp. R.F. 185-187;
  R.R. 250 ff.;
  Wissowa, in Lex. s.v.

Numa, apocryphal books of, 120, 121. 
  Cp.  Schwegler, Roem.  Gesch. i. 564 ff.;
  R.R. 62

Ocean commerce, beginnings of, 77

Octavian, 137

Octavius Mamilius, 40

Paestum—­Poseidonia, 80

Parentalia, 16. 
  Cp. R.R. 187 ff.;
  R.F. 306-310;
  De Marchi, i. 199

Parilia, 114. 
  Cp. R.F. 79-85;
  R.R. 165 ff.

Pater, Walter, 20

Persephone, 75. 
  Cp.  Proserpina

Philosophers expelled from Rome, 122, 123. 
  Cp. Athen. xii, 547a;
  Aul.  Gell. 15, II, I;
  Sueton. Grammat. 25

Pinarii, 35

Plebeian aediles, 74. 
  Cp. R.R. 245;
  Mommsen, Staatsrecht, ii. 471

Plutarch, Moralia, 50

Pollux, 37. 
  Cp.  Castor

Pomerium, 33, 34, 35

Poseidon, 79. 
  Cp.  Neptune

Poseidonia-Paestum, 80

Potitii, 35

Priesthood of Sibylline books, 66. 
  Cp.  Quindecemviri

Priesthoods, political value of, 129. 
  Cp. R.R. 64;
  unpopularity of, in last century of republic, 131. 
    Cp.  Marquardt, Staatsverw. iii. 64 ff.

Propertius, 152

Proserpina, 76. 
  Cp. R.F. 212;
  R.R. 255 ff.;
  Carter, in Lex. s.v.

Puteoli, 136

Pythagorianism, 120

Quindecemviri, 68. 
  Cp. R.R. 461 ff.

Regillus, 40

Republic, character of the last century of, 125, 126

Res Gestae of Augustus, 147. 
  Cp.  Mommsen’s edition, Berlin, 1883

Roma Aeterna, 151

S. Bartolommeo, 87

Scaevola, theology of, 140. 
  Cp. R.R. 62;
  Mommsen, Roman History (Engl. transl.), iv. 205

Scipio Aemilianus and his circle, 124

Secular games, 93, 167. 
  Cp.  Ludi Saeculares

Servius Tullius, 27, 50

Project Gutenberg
The Religion of Numa from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.