Hebrew Life and Times eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about Hebrew Life and Times.

Hebrew Life and Times eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about Hebrew Life and Times.

34.  To what extent did the law-book of Deuteronomy lead to the practice of the teachings of the prophets?

35.  How did this law compromise in the matter of burnt-offerings and other sacrifices?

36.  What did the prophet Jeremiah think of the law-book of Deuteronomy?  Did he favor it or condemn it?  Explain.

37.  Describe the life of the exiles in Babylon.

38.  How did they keep alive their faith in Jehovah?

39.  Where else besides Babylonia were large numbers of Hebrew exiles to be found?

40.  With what hopes did the Jews comfort themselves after the destruction of Jerusalem?

41.  In what two ways did Nehemiah help the Jews in Jerusalem to a happier life?

42.  Tell the story of the growing use of prayer and hymn books in the religious worship of the Jews.

43.  Why did many of the Jews become more narrowly prejudiced against foreigners after the destruction of Jerusalem?

44.  What influences tended to make some of the Jews in this period more broad-minded and friendly toward foreigners?

45.  Mention some writings from this period which helped the cause of the broader patriotism.

46.  What two kinds of special schools and teachers grew up among the Jews?

47.  Describe the daily scenes in the group of listeners around one of the old wise men.

48.  What were some weaknesses and faults in the education of the scribes?

49.  What contributions did the Greeks bring to the civilization of the Jews in Canaan?

50.  Why were the Jews specially discontented under the rule of the Romans?

51.  In what four periods of their history were the Jews happiest?

52.  How did Jesus fulfill and broaden out the national hopes of the Jews?


Kent and Bailey:  History of the Hebrew Commonwealth.

George A. Barton:  Archaeology and the Bible.

Charles Reynolds Brown:  The Story Books of the Early Hebrews.

Harold B. Hunting:  The Story of Our Bible.

Crosby:  Geography of Bible Lands.

Hastings’ One Volume Bible Dictionary.

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--------+ | Typographical errors corrected in text:  | | | | Page 14:  wondering replaced with wandering | | Page 38:  record replaced with records | | Page 155:  ‘life itself itself was’ replaced with | | ‘life itself was’ | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------

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Project Gutenberg
Hebrew Life and Times from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.