The Heavenly Father eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about The Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about The Heavenly Father.

[53] See, for example, La Religion naturelle, by Jules Simon; Essai de philosophie religieuse, by Emile Saisset; De la connaissance de Dieu, by A. Gratry; La raison et la christianisme, douze lectures sur l’existence de Dieu, by Charles Secretan; Essai sur la Providence, by Ernest Bersot; De la Providence, by M. Damiron; L’Idee de Dieu, by M. Caro; Theodicee, Etudes sur Dieu, la Creation et la Providence, par Amedee de Magerie.

[54] See, for example, the Etudes orientales of M. Franck, the Bouddha of M. Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire; L’Histoire de la philosophie au XVIIIe siecle, of M. Damiron.

[55] Philosophie de la liberte, vol. i. p. 225.

[56] Toutes ces revoltes de la matiere en furie.

[57] Revue des Deux Mondes, April, 1850.

[58] Qu’est-ce la religion? page 586 of the translation of Ewerbeck.

[59] Revue des Deux Mondes of 15th April, 1850, p. 288.

[60] General Report addressed to the Conseil d’Etat of Neuchatel on the secret German propaganda, and on the clubs of Young Germany in Switzerland, by Lardy, Doctor of law.  Neuchatel, 1845.

[61] Pourvu qu’on le delivre d’une vertu bourgeoise et d’une morale d’honnetes negociants.  Blaetter der Gegenwart fuer sociales Leben.

[62] See the Chroniqueur Suisse of 19 Jan. 1865.

[63] April, 1850, p. 292.

[64] Force et Matiere, by Louis Buechner, Doctor in medicine:  translated into French from the seventh edition of the German work, by Gamper, Leipzig, 1863.

[65] My object is to point out the atheistical systems which are being produced in various parts of Europe, and not to estimate, in a general way, the tendency of contemporary philosophies.  The reader, who would understand the position occupied by materialism in relation to German thought in general, may consult with advantage, Le Materialisme contemporain, by Paul Janet, Paris, 1864; and the review of this work by M. Reichlin-Meldegg (Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie, Sechsundvierzigster Band).  A Swiss writer, M. Boehner, has lately published a learned work on the subject entitled:  Le Materialisme au point de vue des sciences naturelles et des progres de l’esprit humain, by Nath.  Boehner, member of the Societe helvetique des sciences naturelles, translated from the German, by O. Bourrit, 1 vol. 8vo. (Geneve, imprimerie Fick), 1861.


                    ...  Ces enfants de l’effroi,

Ces beaux riens qu’on adore, et sans savoir pourquoi,
Ces dieux que l’homme a faits et qui n’ont pas fait l’homme. 

                                                                  CYRANO DE BERGERAC.

[67] From outer to inner things, and from inner to higher.

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The Heavenly Father from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.