The Heavenly Father eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about The Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about The Heavenly Father.
Now the vital forces of humanity are neither extinct nor stupefied in our time.  The world of literature is sick, and grievously sick in some of its departments; but even there again are manifesting themselves noble and powerful reactions.  Then look in other directions.  Contemplate the religious movement of society at large, the wide efforts making in the domain of active beneficence, the progressive conquests of civilization, the awakening of conscience on many subjects:—­I could easily instance numerous facts in proof of what I advance, and say to you: 

     Know, by these speaking signs, a God to-day
     As yesterday the same—­the same for aye: 
     Veiling, revealing, at His sovereign will,
     His glory,—­and His people guarding still.[96]

Wrestle then against the invasion of deadly doctrines, wrestle and do not fear.  If men rise against God in the name of the modern mind, of the science of the age, of the progress of civilization, do not suffer yourselves to be stunned by these clamors.  Let the past be to you the pledge of the future!  To make of atheism a novelty, is an error.  To make of it, in a general way, the characteristic of our epoch, is a calumny.


[40] Xenophon, Memorab. of Socrates, Bk. iv. 10.

[41] La Religion naturelle.  Preface.

[42] Emile Saisset, in the Revue des Deux Mondes, of March, 1845.

[43] See the Lettres sur les verites, les plus importantes de la revelation, by Albert de Haller, translated into French by one of his grandsons.  Lausanne, Bridel, 1846.

[44] La Metaphysique et la Science, 2 tom.  Oct. 1858.

[45] Notice sur M. Littre, page 57.

[46] Paroles de philosophie positive, page 33.

[47] Idem, page 30.

[48] Paroles de philosophie positive, page 34.

[49] Apercus generaux sur la doctrine positiviste, par M. de Lombrail, ancien eleve de l’ecole polytechnique.  The author says in his preface:  “Auguste Comte examined this work with the conscientious attention which he was accustomed to give to the simplest task.  He desired by his useful counsels to render it worthy of publication.”

[50] Revue des Deux Mondes, of 15th Jan. 1860, page 367.


Je soupconne entre nous que vous croyez en Dieu.  N’allez pas dans vos vers en consigner l’aveu; Craignez le ridicule, et respectez vos maitres.  Croire en Dieu fut un tort permis a nos ancetres.  Mais dans notre age!  Allons, il faut vous corriger Et suivre votre siecle, au lieu de le juger.


     Entre ces deux chemins j’hesite et je m’arrete. 
     Je voudrais a l’ecart suivre un plus doux sentier. 
     Il n’en existe pas, dit une voix secrete: 
     En presence du Ciel, il faut croire ou nier. 
     Je le pense, en effet:  les ames tourmentees
     Vers l’un et l’autre exces se portent tour a tour;
     Mais les indifferents ne sont que des athees;
     Ils ne dormiraient plus, s’ils doutaient un seul jour.

Project Gutenberg
The Heavenly Father from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.