Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 140 pages of information about Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People.

Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 140 pages of information about Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People.

Better, better, I thank you.

Is this the day that Master George is starting for—­

(as he comes running down from background). 
Mistress Washington!  Mistress Washington!  Lord Fairfax has come, and
Master George’s horse is all saddled and waiting.

[Madam Washington turns and, follows Peter back to the house.

AUNT RACHEL (indicating left).  Come, children!  You can see the road from here.  There he is on his horse!

[Young George Washington, in tan-colored frontiersman’s garb, is seen dimly through the trees.  With him a stately figure that is Lord Fairfax.  They wave and bow in direction of house.  Then George waves in direction of plantation group in foreground.

SAMBO (shielding his eyes with his hand).  I can see him!  I can see him!

ALL (looking off towards left, waving, gesticulating).  Good-by, good-by, Master George!

Come back soon, Master George.  Good-by!  Good-by!

(sadly shaking her head). 
He is gone!  How we will miss him!

[An instant’s dejection falls on the group.  They stand saggingly, joy gone from them.

AUNT RACHEL (brightening).  It’s only for a short time.  Only for a short time.  He’ll be back.  He’ll surely be back.

[The group brightens.  A tambourine drops jinglingly.  It is picked up.  Baskets and hoe are resumed.  The group starts towards background, leisurely, tunefully singing: 

(Air:  Chorus of “Down Where the Cotton Blossoms Grow.”)

Bright shines the sun, the clover-fields are white,
  Through the woods the happy children go: 
As gay are our hearts as flowers swinging light,
  When balmy airs of Springtime blow.

Gaily we work with spade and rake and hoe,
  Golden shines the burnished sun of noon;
Then in the fields the shadows longer grow,
  Time to be looking for the moon!

Then twilight comes, and then the velvet night,
  Stars shine like a beacon through the gloam,
The old cabin road is gray beneath their light,
  The long road that leads us to our home.

[As they sing the darkies move towards background.  The voices grow fainter and fainter.  The scene ends.


LORD FAIRFAX.  Plum-colored velvet.  Three-cornered black hat.  White wig with cue.

GEORGE WASHINGTON.  Frontiersman’s suit of cotton khaki, made on Indian lines, with Indian tunic, and knee-breeches.  Tan stockings, with strappings of khaki wound round them, and moccasins.

MADAM WASHINGTON.  Dark green quilted petticoat.  Overdress and bodice of dark green, flowered in old rose.  Elbow sleeves.  White ruffles of lace.  White lawn fichu.  Powdered hair.

Project Gutenberg
Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.