Lady Rosamond's Secret eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 201 pages of information about Lady Rosamond's Secret.

Lady Rosamond's Secret eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 201 pages of information about Lady Rosamond's Secret.

It is almost needless to add that congratulations reached Lady Rosamond from the family at Government House in Fredericton.  It was not a matter of surprise to Lady Douglas.  She had too much confidence in the character of her relative to doubt her resolution.  Mary Douglas fondly clung to the hope that her companion would, by some unforeseen power, avert the threatening blow.  She betrayed no astonishment.  Though daily expecting the sickening news of the marriage, the private secretary of Sir Howard almost staggered under the sudden weight of anxiety which possessed him when Captain Douglas made the startling disclosure, with the accompanying remark:  “Jove!  I always said that Gerald Bereford was a lucky fellow.”

The thoughtful gaze of Mr. Howe as he stood in mute and silent astonishment, raised a laugh from his companion, with the addition of a second remark, implying that her ladyship must have made sad havoc upon the heart of a certain individual, judging from the effect produced by the announcement of her marriage.

True indeed!  Lady Rosamond had made havoc upon the heart and affection of a certain individual, as Captain Douglas roughly remarked, but not the one to whom he made direct allusion.

The heart that suffered most will be the last to acknowledge.  “Heaven pity poor Trevelyan,” murmured Mr. Howe.



Fredericton society was now becoming amply compensated for the loss sustained by the departure of the 52nd Regiment.  The gallant Col.  Creagh had become a general favorite.  Waterloo, with its bloody scenes and brilliant victory, was still fresh in his memory.  He never wearied in relating these with fond pride, while his heart was fired with an enthusiasm that stirred every vein with renewed patriotic impulses.  The gentlemanly conduct that marked the officers of the 81st, soon won the esteem of the citizens, and placed them on confidential and friendly terms within a short time after their arrival.  Though not distinguished by the sporting propensities of their predecessors, the general tone of society received a loftier impetus, social intercourse on a moderate basis was the general feature of the present.  Balls and parties were of greater importance than the sports of the turf or field.  It must not be inferred the 81st Regiment was quiet and inactive from the facts thus stated.  On the contrary, they were gay, dashing and animated, full of the vigour and energy of military life; but the comparison affects them not when we say that the sporting reputation of the 52nd Regiment was unprecedented in military records.  Among those deserving notice was Jasper Creagh.  He was a winning and agreeable youth, displaying much of the daring and military spirit of his distinguished sire.  Many hearts beat faster when they listened to the manly voice of the young soldier.  Within a very short space of time an intimacy sprang up between the latter and Lieutenant Trevelyan, who more than sustained the very flattering reputation forwarded by Major McNair.

Project Gutenberg
Lady Rosamond's Secret from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.