Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

With flushed face she rushed from this priest’s room and passed the servant, out into the street, with the priest begging her to say nothing about what had happened.  We want to know if this attempted crime injured the priest in the estimation of Catholicism?  Not by any means, as he continued to serve the church in the capacity of priest, after both this girl’s father and mother had publicly denounced him as a seducer of virtue.

The entire congregation learned of this priest’s attempted assault upon virtue, but this degrading notoriety did not injure him in the least, as his services are just as crowded as they were before.  This outrage was carried before the bishop of the diocese in which this church was situated, but nothing was done.

The priest which we refer to was a drunkard, and he drank as deeply after this attempted assault as before, and in a short time he assaulted a 12-year-old girl, and not long after that he assaulted his servant, who was a girl 18 years of age, and continued his raid upon her virtue until one day, while in a drunken spree, he struck her and injured her, and she made public the actions of this human viper, who had been parading in the robes of a priest.

Did this exposure disgrace him in the eyes of the Catholic officials who were above him?  Not at all, as he continued to serve this New York church without molestation, and it was a notorious fact, and known by the members of his church what he was accused of, but still hundreds of boys and girls, young men and young women, and old men and old women, bowed at the feet of this depraved devil and confessed their sins.

If we cared, we could write from now until our old arm would become palsied with age, and each chapter would be a new story of the perfidy and hellishness of the priestcraft, as every age reeks with the stench of their immorality, and the countries which are completely under the power of the Pope of Rome are only the shadows of what this country will become if this demon of darkness is not halted, for the influence of the priesthood in America upon the morals of this country will spread its blight over the face of our fair land until our nation’s morals will be a nauseating sight to behold.

Reader, remember what I tell you to-day:  that unless the spirit of Protestantism takes a firm stand in this land against Catholicism, we will find our Protestant hopes and ambitions within the near future paralyzed by the infusion of Rome’s immorality.

[Illustration:  “A CATHOLIC TOOL.”  “Begging in the name of the Lord, but in reality to support the Priestcraft in their idleness.”]

Chapter XIV.

The Chastity of the Home Invaded by the Lustfulness of the Priest-Craft.

Catholicism begins to teach her children from their infancy that no act of their officials is impure; thus their followers grow up to believe that any advancement made by these officials are made in behalf of the salvation of their souls, consequently it is an easy matter for the Priestcraft to make the female members of their congregation believe that whatever they may do or say is done and said through a righteous motive, and no stigma of disgrace can possibly attach itself to the act.

Project Gutenberg
Thirty Years In Hell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.