The Canadian Commonwealth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 281 pages of information about The Canadian Commonwealth.

The Canadian Commonwealth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 281 pages of information about The Canadian Commonwealth.

INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD:  in Canada, 219; program of, 221.

JAPAN:  dominates fishing industry of the Pacific, 24; alliance of with Great Britain, 127; attitude of on equality question, 130-132; activity of on West Coast, 134-136; controls seventy-two per cent. of the shipping of the Pacific, 136, 178; future influence of, 137; attempt to draw into Hindu quarrel, 146; demands room to expand, 168; becomes a world power, 269; future relations of with Canada, 333.

JAPANESE:  inrush of into British Columbia, 129; limitations on immigration of, 130; exclusion of becomes party shibboleth, 133; a separate problem from that of the Hindu, 138.

JUDGES, position and powers of, 233-236.

KOOTENAY, mining boom in, 66-67.

LABRADOR, as a fur country, 302-304.

LABRODOR, THE, under jurisdiction of Newfoundland, 327

LAURIER, SIR WILFRED:  social prestige of, 4; helps allay racial antagonisms, 7; prediction of as to Canada’s future, 17; supports Boer War, 31-32; a self-made man, 53; a free-trader, 82; and reciprocity, 89-91; one of Canada’s great men, 109; and a Dominion navy, 283, 285; mentioned, 243.

LESSER GREAT LAKES, fisheries of, 39.

LIBERALS:  favor free trade, 82; seek reciprocity agreement, 83-85; launch two more transcontinentals, 86; and appointment of judges, 234; organize to oust Family Compact, 242; principles of, 242-244; oppose Naval Bill, 283, 285.

LITERATURE:  no great national in Canada, 262; Canadians slow to recognize writers, 279; most Canadian books first published out of Canada, 79.

LORD SELKIRK’S SETTLERS, come to Canada, 6.


MACDONALD, SIR JOHN:  influence of upon Canadian constitution, 11-12; comes up from penury, 53; seeks tariff concessions from the United States, 81; tariff views of, 83; launches Canadian Pacific Railway, 86; one of Canada’s great men, 109; mentioned, 243.

MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER:  comes up from penury, 53; mentioned, 81; a free-trader, 82; a man of the North, 295.

MACKENZIE, WILLIAM LYON, a leader in rebellion of 1837-8, 226.

MANITOBA:  almost as large as British Isles, 16, 39; coal deposits in, 38; distance of from Montreal and Hudson Bay, 195.

MANITOBA SCHOOL CASE, mentioned 44, 83.

MANN, DAN, comes up from penury, 53,

MARITIME PROVINCES, described, 221.

MONROE DOCTRINE:  mentioned, 32, 45, 285; Canadian opinion of, 169, 288; attitude of French Nationalists toward, 244.

MOUNTED POLICE:  say crime in Northwest is increasing, 118; efficiency of, 238-240.

MUNRO, DOCTOR, quoted regarding Oriental immigration, 162-163.

NATIONALISTS; oppose Navy Bill, 283, 285; and outside entanglements, 244.

NAVY BILL:  defeated, 284.

NEW BRUNSWICK, mentioned, 22.

NEWFOUNDLAND; mentioned, 195; description of, 323-328; why not a part of Canada, 323-330.

Project Gutenberg
The Canadian Commonwealth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.