A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.
to me?  What communion have I enjoyed with God?  How have I felt, in view of my sins, and of God’s goodness to me?  What have been my feelings, on coming anew to the cross of Christ?  Have I, at any time this day, indulged vain or worldly thoughts?  Have I sought my own ease or pleasure?  Have I engaged in worldly or unprofitable conversation?  Do I now feel my soul refreshed, and my strength renewed, for the Christian warfare?



To be used when time is very limited.

With what feelings did I compose myself to sleep last night?  How were my thoughts employed during the wakeful hours of the night?  What were my feelings on awaking?  How did I begin the day?  With what feelings and spirit have I engaged in the various devotions of the day?  How have I enjoyed my hours of leisure?  How have I performed the business of the day?  What has been the spirit of my intercourse with others?  What errors or what sins have I committed, in thought, word, or deed?  What spiritual affections have I experienced, and what has been their effect upon me since?  Have I made any progress in the Christian race?


To be used on ordinary occasions.

With what frame of spirit did I close the last day?  Upon what were my thoughts occupied during the wakeful hours of the night?  What were my first emotions, as I awoke this morning?  How did I begin the day?  What communion have I held with God, in secret, this day?  For whom have I lived?  What has been my frame of spirit, while engaged in the employments of the day?  What tempers have I exercised, in my intercourse with others?  What temptations have I encountered?  What has been the result?  What conflicts have I had with my own corruptions?  What progress have I made in subduing them?  What trials have I experienced?  How have I borne them?  Have I felt my dependence upon God for everything?  Have I indulged undue anxiety about the affairs of this world?  Have I murmured at the dispensations of Providence?  Have I indulged self-complacency or self-seeking?  What views have I had of myself?  How did they affect me?  What discoveries have I made of the divine character?  How have I been affected by them?  Have I felt any longing desires after conformity to the divine image?  How has my heart been affected with my short-comings in obedience and duty?  Has this driven me to Christ?  Have I found pardon and peace in him?  What sense of the divine presence have I maintained through the day?  What spirit of prayer have I exercised this day?  What has been the burden of my petitions?  Why have I desired these things?  How constant and how strong have been these desires?  How often and how fervently have I carried them to the throne

Project Gutenberg
A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.