Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

During these Transactions, Meroveus, King of the Franks, taking his Opportunity, pass’d the Rhine, with a great Army; and joyning in Confederacy with many Cities, who assisted in the common Cause of the publick Liberty, possess’d himself at length of the innermost Cities belonging to the Celtae, between the Seine and the Garonne.  He being dead, and both Nations (the Gauls and Franks) united into one Commonwealth; they unanimously elected Childeric, the Son of Meroveus, for their King, placing him upon a Shield according to ancient Custom; and carrying him upon their Shoulders thrice round the place of Assembly, with great Acclamations of Joy, and universal Congratulation, saluted him King of Francogallia.  Of all which particulars, Sidonius Apollinaris, Gregorius Turonensis, Otto Frising, Aimoinus and others are Witnesses; whose Testimonies we shall further produce, when we come to treat of the Manner of the Inauguration of the King.

The Words of the same Otto, in the last Chapter but one of his 4th Book concerning their taking possession of several Cities, are these.—­“The Franks, after having pass’d the Rhine, in the first place put to flight the Romans, who dwelt thereabouts; afterwards they took Tournay and Cambray, Cities of Gallia; and from thence gaining ground, by degrees they subdued Rheims, Soissons, Orleans, Cologne and Triers.”  And thus much may briefly be said touching the first King of Francogallia.  To which we shall only subjoin this Remark:  [Footnote:  Hotoman’s Francogallia was written Anno 1573.] That altho’ the Francogallican Kingdom has lasted from that time to this, almost One thousand two hundred Years; yet during so long a space, there are but three Families reckon’d to have possess’d the Throne, viz. the Merovingians; who beginning from Meroveus, continued it to their Posterity two hundred eighty three Years.  The Carlovingians, who drawing their Original from Charles the Great, enjoy’d it 337 Years:  And lastly, the Capevignians, who being descended from Hugh Capet, now rule the Kingdom, and have done so for Five hundred and eighty Years past.

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    Whether the Kingdom of Francogallia was hereditary
    or elective; and the manner of making its Kings.

Project Gutenberg
Franco-Gallia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.