The Best Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Best Ghost Stories.

The Best Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Best Ghost Stories.

“I found both the light and the dark one in the drawer,” said Dr. Funk, “and remembered distinctly that it was the darker of the two which I had borrowed from Professor West.  I went to the next seance, and when Rakestraw’s spirit arrived I asked him to find out which one was to be returned.  After a brief interval his voice came to me.

“‘Return the dark one, of course,’ he said.  ’That is the genuine coin and is the one you borrowed from Dr. Beecher’s friend.’

“While I do not wish to be classed as a believer in Spiritualism, I certainly am open to conviction after what has come under my personal observation,” Dr. Funk concluded.  “I am confident that no fraud was practiced on me at the seance at which I was told about the old coin.  The medium is an elderly woman living in Brooklyn, who never appears in public, and the only persons present were members of her family and known to me.  But none of them knew any more about the coin being in my safe than I did.”


(Baltimore American, May, 1886)

For forty years the Rev. Dr. B. has been the rector of a prominent parish on the Eastern Shore.  He had, when the scenes recorded below happened twenty-two years ago, a mission charge sixteen miles distant from the town in which he resided, and he was therefore constantly traveling between these two places.  About six miles distant was the country residence of Judge S., a well-known and venerable parishioner of the worthy doctor.  The sod had been turned above this gentleman’s grave only about six weeks, when Dr. B. chanced to be returning from his mission charge in company with a friend.  It was broad daylight, just about sunset, and not far from Judge S.’s gate, when a carriage, drawn by a white horse, passed them rapidly from behind and was soon out of sight.

“That fellow must be in a hurry to reach C.,” remarked the doctor.

“Did you notice anything peculiar about that vehicle?” inquired his companion.

“Only that it moves very quietly.  I heard no sound as it went by.”

“Nor did I,” said his friend.  “Neither rattling of wheels nor noise of hoofs.  It is certainly strange.”

* * * * *

The matter, however, was soon forgotten in other conversation, and they had traveled perhaps a mile, when suddenly, the same horse and carriage passed them as before.  Nothing was discernible of the driver except his feet, the carriage curtains hiding his body.  There was no cross road by which a vehicle in front could possibly have got behind without making a circuit of many miles and consuming several hours.  Yet there was not the shadow of a doubt as to the identity of the vehicle, and the two gentlemen gazed at each other in blank amazement, and with a certain defined sense of awe which precluded any discussion of the matter, particularly as the horse was to all appearances the well-known

Project Gutenberg
The Best Ghost Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.