A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.

A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.

I did work for Mrs. Johnson, but as her business is not so good at times she has me whenever she can feel as if she can spare the money.  So this little life of mine has been almost locked up in a nutshell, and Jesus has come to me in the spirit’s power that I should tell the world of His wonderful love to me a poor sinner of the dust.  And what can not the Lord do for those who put their trust in Him?  We feel like saying to the blessed One, how amiable are all of Thy works, oh Lord, and our eyes are seeing Thy salvation in many parts of the earth.

I can remember the first time that it was my pleasure to hear dear Dr. J. D. Fulton.  It was on Thanksgiving Day when he first came to this city to preach at the Hanson Place Church, as their pastor.  The Rev. David Moore had him to preach the Thanksgiving sermon at the Washington Avenue Baptist Church, and we were all delighted at hearing him on that day.  I loved him on hearing that sermon, for I felt the spirit power on that day, through his preaching.  I shall always think of the Doctor and his loving family, for we, as the negro race, have not such a friend on earth as Dr. Fulton.  I am not afraid to say it to his dear honor as he is not dead, and I wish every negro knew him as I do for then they would all feel toward him as I feel.  I hope that he will long live to tell the truth as he has in days gone by; and if he was in this city where the evil is so strong, we should hear him sounding the watchword, and that is the reason that those that loved the ways of sin did not like him, for they felt that he had cause to trouble them while they were yet in their sins.

But I hope that the day will come when I shall hear him again in this city, and I hope that God will give him long life and that he may see the travel of his soul and be satisfied, for I know that he tries to do God’s will in this love that he has for humanity and that is why the Lord will bless him in all the work that his hands find to do.

I was not at home when he left this city and I felt sad when I found that he was gone, for we shall ever miss him.  My prayer is to God that he may live to a good old age and that when he shall be called to come up higher that he may be caught up in the air to meet his Lord and Master and all of those that have gone on before, and be ready to Crown Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Progress of Church Work

A speech to a crowded church, in the year of our Lord 1888, in Talcott, Summers Co., W. V. I was asked to have this published out there, but I wanted to have it brought to my home in Brooklyn.  I was into so much work out there, and my people were not there to see what the Lord did help me to do: 

Dear friends, we are here to-night to commemorate this grand occasion, and our watchword is Onward and Upward to the Prize!

This is a time that we should all shout the Jubilee and to send the glad tidings to all the world and to let all the nations know that we are on our march to that happy land of song.

Project Gutenberg
A Slave Girl's Story from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.