The Black Douglas eBook

Samuel Rutherford Crockett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about The Black Douglas.

The Black Douglas eBook

Samuel Rutherford Crockett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about The Black Douglas.

But the young man only smiled, and dusted off one or two flecks of foam which had blown backwards from his horse’s bit upon the rich crimson doublet of finest velvet, which, cinctured closely at the waist, fell half-way to his knees in heavy double pleats sewn with gold.  A hunting horn of black and gold was suspended about his neck by a bandolier of dark leather, subtiley embroidered with bosses of gold.  Laced boots of soft black hide, drawn together on the outside from ankle to mid-calf with a golden cord, met the scarlet “chausses” which covered his thighs and outlined the figure of him who was the noblest youth and the most gallant in all the realm of Scotland.

Earl William wore no sword.  Only a little gold-handled poignard with a lady’s finger ring set upon the point of the hilt was at his side, and he stood resting easily his hand upon it as he talked, drawing it an inch from its sheath and snicking it back again nonchalantly, with a sound like the clicking of a well-oiled lock.

“Clink the strokes strongly and featly, Malise, for to-morrow, when the Black Douglas rides upon Black Darnaway under the eyes of—­well—­of the ladies whom the ambassadors are bringing to greet me, there must be no stumbling and no mistakes.  Or on the head of Malise MacKim the matter shall be, and let that wight remember that the Douglas does not keep a dule tree up there by the Gallows Slock for nothing.”

The mighty smith was by this time examining the hoofs of the Earl’s charger one by one with such instinctive delicacy of touch that Darnaway felt the kindly intent, and, bending his neck about, blew and snuffled into the armourer’s tangled mat of crisp grey hair.

“Up there!” exclaimed MacKim, as the warm breath tickled his neck, and at the burst of sound the steed shifted and clattered upon the hard-beaten floor of the smithy, tossing his head till the bridle chains rang again.

“Eh, my Lord William,” an altered voice came from the door-step, where Dame Barbara MacKim, now clothed and in her right mind, stood louting low before the young Earl, “but this is a blythe and calamitatious day for this poor bit bigging o’ the Carlinwark—­to think that your honour should visit his servants!  Will you no come ben and sit doon in the house-place?  ’Tis far from fitting for your feet to pass thereupon.  But gin ye will so highly favour—­”

“Nay, I thank you, good Dame Barbara,” said the Earl, very courteously taking off the close-fitting black cap with the red feather in it which was upon his head.  “I must bide but a moment for your husband to set right certain nails in the hoofs of Darnaway here, to ready me for the morrow.  Do you come to see the sport?  So buxom a dame as the mistress of Carlinwark should not be absent to encourage the lads to do their best at the sword-play and the rivalry of the butts.”

And as the dame came forth courtesying and bowing her delighted thanks, Earl William, setting a forefinger under her triple chin, stooped and kissed her in his gayest and most debonair manner.

Project Gutenberg
The Black Douglas from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.