A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

Wu Tao-tzu, painter, 183

Wu(Ti), Han ruler, 86, 89, 91;
  Chin ruler, 115;
  Liang ruler, 161, 164

Wu Tsung, Manchu ruler, 261, 264

Wu Wang, Chou ruler, 30

wu-wei, philosophical term, 47

Yakub beg, ruler, 293

Yamato, part of Japan, 112

Yang, clan, 119, 120

Yang Chien, ruler, 151, 163, 166 ff.
  (see Wen Ti)

Yang (Kui-fei), concubine, 184

Yang-shao, archaeological site, 12 ff., 29

Yang Ti, Sui ruler, 168, 178

Yao, mythical ruler, 17;
  tribes in South China, 12, 16, 19, 21, 111, 152

Yarkand, city in Turkestan, 97, 98, 282

Yeh (K’ai-feng), city, 125, 148

Yeh-ta (see Ephtalites)

Yehe-Nara, tribe, 294

Yellow Turbans, secret society, 101, 158

Yeh-lue Ch’u-ts’ai, politician, 241

Yen, state, 114;
  dynasty, 112;
  Earlier Yen dynasty, 126, 127;
  Later Yen dynasty 127, 128 ff.;
  Western Yen dynasty, 129

Yen-an, city, 321-2

Yen Fu, translator, 280

Yen Hsi-shan, war lord, 315

Yen-ta (Altan), ruler, 264-5

Yen-t’ieh-lun (Discourses on Salt and Iron), book, 91

Yin Chung-k’an, general, 158

Yin-ch’ue, city, 21

Yin and Yang, philosophical terms, 60

Ying Tsung, Manchu ruler, 259, 260

Yo Fei, general, 226

Yue Liang, general, 156, 157

Yue-wen, tribal group, 119, 148, 169, 172

Yuean Chen, 182

Yuean Chi, philosopher, 50

Yuean Mei, writer, 280

Yuean Shao, general, 100

Yuean Shih-k’ai, general and president, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 309,
     310, 311, 312

Yuean Ti, Han ruler, 92;
  Chin ruler, 152, 156

Yueeh, tribal group and area, 12, 16, 38, 77, 152

Yueeh-chih, Indo-European-speaking ethnic group, 75, 88, 118, 150

Yuen-kang, caves, 146-7, 344

Yuennan, (Yuen-nan), province, 10, 89, 97, 110, 248, 258, 275, 292

Yung-cheng, reign period, 278, 282

Yung-lo, reign period, 257, 264

Zen Buddhism (see Ch’an), 164

Zoroaster, founder of religion, 342

Transcriber’s Notes

Most typos/misspellings were left as in the original text.  In some obvious cases they are noted here.  There are cases of American and UK English.  There are cases of unusual hyphenation.  There are more than one spelling of Chinese proper nouns.  There are cases, like Marxism, which are not capitalized.  There are cases of double words, like ‘had had’.  These are correctly used.

Additionally, the author has spelled the following words inconsistently. 
Those have not been changed, but are listed here: 

Project Gutenberg
A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.