Arbor Day Leaves eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about Arbor Day Leaves.

Arbor Day Leaves eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about Arbor Day Leaves.

Growing observance of Arbor day.

It adds to the pleasure attending the observance of Arbor Day when we think how many are uniting with us in its celebration.  It is but a few years since the day was first known and its observance was limited to a single one of our States.  Now the day is known and observed from Maine to Oregon and from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico.  Not only is this true, but this our tree-festival so commends itself to all that its observance has spread more rapidly and more widely than any other public observance in the world’s history.  It is already established in portions of England, France, and Italy, in far-away South Africa and Australia, and we shall probably hear before long of its adoption in China and Japan.

And so, as we come together to have pleasant talks about the trees and to march out with songs and banners to plant them in school grounds, in parks, by the road-side or elsewhere, it will be pleasant to remember that so many others are engaged in similar services.  It should make the day a happier one for us to think that so many will enjoy it as we do, as it should always increase our happiness to know that others are sharing with us anything that is good.

As it will, doubtless, be interesting to all engaging in the celebration of the day, we give on the next page a list of the States in which Arbor Day is observed.


Year of
states.  Observance time of observance.

Alabama 1887 22nd February. 
Arizona 1890-91 First Friday after first of February. 
California 1886
Colorado 1885 Third Friday in April. 
Connecticut 1887 In Spring, at appointment of Governor. 
Florida 1886 January 8. 
Georgia 1887 First Friday in December. 
Idaho 1887 Last Monday in April. 
Illinois 1888 Date fixed by Governor and Supt. of Public
Indiana 1884 " " Superintendent of Public Instruction. 
Iowa 1887 " " " "
Kansas 1875 Option of Governor, usually in April. 
Kentucky 1886 " "
Louisiana 1888-9 " Parish Boards. 
Maine 1887 " Governor. 
Maryland 1889 " " in April. 
Massachusetts 1886 Last Saturday in April. 
Michigan 1885 Option of Governor. 
Minnesota 1876 " "
Mississippi 1892 " Board of Education. 
Missouri 1886 First Friday after first Tuesday of April. 
Montana 1887 Third Tuesday of April. 

Project Gutenberg
Arbor Day Leaves from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.