Our Deportment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 348 pages of information about Our Deportment.

Our Deportment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 348 pages of information about Our Deportment.


A lady’s riding habit should fit perfectly without being tight.  The skirt must be full, and long enough to cover the feet, but not of extreme length.  The boots must be stout and the gloves gauntleted.  Broadcloth is regarded as the more dressy cloth, though waterproof is the more serviceable.  Something lighter may be worn for summer, and in the lighter costumes a row of shot must be stitched at the bottom of the breadths of the left side to prevent the skirts from being blown by the wind.  The riding dress is made to fit the waist closely, and button nearly to the throat.  Above a small collar or reverse of the waist is shown a plain linen collar, fastened at the throat with a bright or black necktie.  Coat sleeves should come to the wrist with linen cuffs beneath them.  No lace or embroidery is allowable in a riding costume.  It is well to have the waist attached to a skirt of the usual length, and the long skirt fastened over it, so that if any accident occurs obliging the lady to dismount, she may easily remove the long overskirt and still be properly dressed.

The hair should be put up compactly, and no veil should be allowed to stream in the wind.  The shape of the hat will vary with the fashion, but it should always be plainly trimmed, and if feathers are worn they must be fastened so that the wind cannot blow them over the wearer’s eyes.


The material for a walking suit may be either rich or plain to suit the taste and means of the wearer.  It should always be well made and never appear shabby.  Bright colors appear best only as trimmings.  Black has generally been adopted for street dresses as the most becoming.  For the country, walking dresses are made tasteful, solid and strong, more for service than display, and what would be perfectly appropriate for the streets of a city would be entirely out of place on the muddy, unpaved walks of a small town or in a country neighborhood.  The walking or promenade dress is always made short enough to clear the ground.  Thick boots are worn with the walking suit.


For women who are engaged in some daily employment such as teachers, saleswomen and those who are occupied in literature, art or business of some sort, the dress should be somewhat different from the ordinary walking costume.  Its material should be more serviceable, better fitted to endure the vicissitudes of the weather, and of quiet colors, such as brown or gray, and not easily soiled.  While the costume should not be of the simplest nature, it should dispense with all superfluities in the way of trimming.  It should be made with special reference to a free use of the arms, and to easy locomotion.  Linen cuffs and collars are best suited to this kind of dress, gloves which can be easily removed, street walking boots, and for jewelry, plain cuff-buttons, brooch and watch chain.  The hat or bonnet should be neat and tasty, with but few flowers or feathers.  For winter wear, waterproof, tastefully made up, is the best material for a business woman’s outer garment.

Project Gutenberg
Our Deportment from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.