Our Deportment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 348 pages of information about Our Deportment.

Our Deportment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 348 pages of information about Our Deportment.

A Draft or Order “Without Grace."

$175.  CINCINNATI, OHIO, Aug. 12, 1880.

At sight, without grace, pay to F. B. Dickerson &
Co., one hundred and seventy-five dollars, and
charge to the account of H.S.  Morehouse.

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Form of a Bill.

BUFFALO, N.Y., Dec. 6, 1880. 

Four volumes History of France, at $2.50 per
volume, $10.00.

Received payment.



General Rules of Conduct.

In society, everybody should receive equal attention, the young as well as the old.  A high authority says, “If we wish our young people to grow up self-possessed and at ease, we must early train them in those graces by giving them the same attention and consideration we do those of maturer years.  If we snub them, and systematically neglect them, they will acquire an awkwardness and a deprecatory manner, which will be very difficult for them to overcome.”


Physical education is indispensable to every well-bred man and woman.  A gentleman should not only know how to fence, to box, to ride, to shoot and to swim, but he should also know how to carry himself gracefully, and how to dance, if he would enjoy life to the utmost.  A graceful carriage can best be attained by the aid of a drilling master, as dancing and boxing are taught.  A man should be able to defend himself from ruffians, if attacked, and also to defend women from their insults.  Dancing and calisthenics are also essential for a lady, for the better the physical training, the more graceful and self-possessed she will be.  Every lady should know how to dance, whether she intends to dance in society or not.  Swimming, skating, archery, games of lawn-tennis, and croquet, riding and driving, all aid in strengthening the muscles and giving open air exercise, and are therefore desirable recreations for the young of both sexes.


Awkwardness of attitude is a mark of vulgarity.  Lolling, gesticulating, fidgeting, handling an eye-glass, a watch-chain or the like, gives an air of gaucherie.  A lady who sits cross-legged or sidewise on her chair, who stretches out her feet, who has a habit of holding her chin, or twirling her ribbons or fingering her buttons; a man who lounges in his chair, nurses his leg, bites his nails, or caresses his foot crossed over on his knee, shows clearly a want of good home training.  Each should be quiet and graceful, either in their sitting or standing position, the gentleman being allowed more freedom than the lady.  He may sit cross-legged if he wishes, but should not sit with his knees far apart, nor with his foot on his knee.  If an object is to be indicated, you must move the whole hand, or the head, but never point the finger.

Project Gutenberg
Our Deportment from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.