The Vitalized School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 249 pages of information about The Vitalized School.

The Vitalized School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 249 pages of information about The Vitalized School.

=Electives.=—­The pupils do not elect a study because it is easy, but because their inclinations run in that direction.  Indeed, there are no easy courses, no snap courses in the school.  Diligent, careful, thorough work is the rule, and there can be found no semblance of approval for loafing or dawdling.  The school stands for purposes that are clear in definition and for work that is intense.  There are no prizes offered for excellent work, but the approbation of parents, teachers, and schoolmates, in the estimation of the pupils, far transcends any material or symbolic prizes that could be offered.  In school work and in conduct the pupils all strive to win this approval.  There is no coarseness nor boorishness, for that would forfeit this approval.  The cigarette is under ban, for public sentiment is against it; and, after all, public sentiment is the final arbiter of conduct.  Hence, no boy will demean himself by flying in the face of public sentiment through indulging in any practice that this sentiment proclaims unclean or enervating.

=The school the focus of community life.=—­This school is the focus of the community.  Hither come the patrons for music, for lectures, for art, for books and magazines, for social stimulus, and, in short, for all the elements of their avocational life.  Indeed, in educational matters, the community is a big wholesome family and the school is the shrine about which they assemble for educational and cultural communion.  It is quite a common practice for mothers to sit in the classrooms engaged in knitting or sewing while their children are busy with their lessons.  For, in their conception of life, geography and sewing are cooerdinate elements, and so blend in perfect harmony in the school regime.  At the luncheon period these mothers go to the dining room with their children in the same spirit of cooeperation that gives distinction to the school and to the community.  There is an interflow of interests between the school and the homes that makes for unity of purpose and practice.  There is freedom in the school but not license.  People move about in a natural way but with delicate consideration for the rights and sentiments of others.  The atmosphere of the school interdicts rudeness.  There is a quiet dignity, serenity, and intensity, with no abatement of freedom.  In this school it is not good form for a boy to be less than a gentleman or for a girl to be less than a lady.

=The teachers.=—­The atmosphere in which the pupils live is, mainly, an exhalation from the spirit of the teachers.  They live and work together in a delightful spirit of concord and cooeperation.  They are magnanimous and would refuse to be a part of any life that would decline from this high plane.  In this corps there are no hysterics, no heroics, no strain, no stress.  They are, first of all, successful human beings; and their expert teaching is an expression of their human qualities.  Their teaching is borne

Project Gutenberg
The Vitalized School from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.