English Embroidered Bookbindings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about English Embroidered Bookbindings.

English Embroidered Bookbindings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about English Embroidered Bookbindings.

The back has four panels, in each of which is an arabesque design in coloured silks and gold cord or braid.  Although this book is comparatively late, it is in a bad condition, and shows much wear; the design also is weak, and the workmanship inferior.



Applique work, remarks on, 24.

Arthur, Prince of Wales, ostrich feather badge used by, 73.

Bacon’s ‘Essays’ (1625), 76;
  ‘Works’ (1623), 75.

Bags for embroidered books, 16.

Berthelet, Thomas, bookbinder and printer, 74, 80.

Bible, 1543 ed., 54;
  1583 ed., 67;
  1590 ed., 70;
  1612 ed., 39;
  1619 ed., 84;
  1626 ed., 45;
  1638 ed., 96;
  1642 ed., 48;
  1646 ed., 109;
  1648 ed., 49;
  1674 ed., 78.

Bibliotheque Nationale, embroidered books in the, 20.

Bodleian Library, embroidered books in the, 25.

Brassington, Mr. W. Salt, 1.

Brion, Martin de, ‘Tres ample description de la Terre Sainte,’ 52.

British Museum, embroidered books in the, 25, 27.

Broiderers, hints for, 21.

Buckingham, Duke of, portrait on ‘Bacon’s Essays, 1625,’ 76.

Canvas bindings, 6, 7, 28-51.

Charles I., portrait on ‘Psalms, 1643,’ 106.

Charles II., badge on ‘Common Prayer, 1638,’ 77;
  ‘Emblemes Chrestiens, 1624,’ 86.

‘Christian Prayers,’ 1570 ed., 59;
  1581 ed., 37;
  1584 ed., 65.

Christopherson, Bishop of Chichester, ‘Historia Ecclesiastica’ (1569), 57.

Collection of Sixteenth Century Tracts (1536), 80;
  (1610), 72.

‘Common Prayer, 1638’ (other editions are with ’Psalms’), 77.

Covers for embroidered books, 18.

‘Daily Exercise of a Christian, 1623,’ 44.

Day, John, printer, 61.

Derome le Jeune, French bookbinder, 12.

Dibdin’s ‘Bibliomania,’ mention of Queen Elizabeth’s embroidery in, 64.

‘Double Books,’ 38, 89.

Dutch embroidered books, 20.

Edges, ornamentally treated, 16.

Elizabeth, Queen, arms embroidered, 57, 72, 81;
  books embroidered by, 26, 32, 33, 35, 36.

Embroidered books, definition of, 3.

‘Epistles of St. Paul, 1578,’ 63.

‘Felbrigge Psalter,’ 26, 29.

Ferrar, Nicholas, 103.

Fitzhugh, heraldic supporter, 56.

Fletcher, Mr. W. Y., 1.

Floral designs, 5, 6;
  and on the following books:  ‘Miroir of the Soul’ (1544), 32;
  ‘Prayers of Q. Kath.  Parr’ (1545), 33;
  Parker, ‘De Antiq.  Ecc.  Britannicae’ (1572), 60;
  ‘Prayers’ (1581), 37;
  ‘Prayers’ (1584), 66;
  ‘Orationis Dominicae Explicatio’ (1583), 67;
  ‘Psalms,’ etc. (1606), 38;
  ‘Bible’ (1619), 85;
  ‘Daily Exercise of a Christian’ (1623), 44;
  ’Henshaw, ‘Horae Successivae’ (1632), 90;
  ‘Psalms’ (1633), 94;
  ‘Bible’ (1638), 96;
  ‘Psalms’ (1639), 98;
  ‘Psalms’ (1641), 104;
  ‘Psalms’ (1646), 108.

Project Gutenberg
English Embroidered Bookbindings from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.