Religious Education in the Family eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about Religious Education in the Family.

Religious Education in the Family eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about Religious Education in the Family.

     Wayne, Building Your Girl.  McClurg, $0.50.

     II.  Further Reading

     W.B.  Forbush, The Coming Generation.  Appleton, $1.50.

     Puffer, The Boy and His Gang.  Houghton Mifflin Co., $1.00.

     Irving King, The High School Age.  Bobbs-Merrill, $1.00.

     Building Childhood, A Symposium.  Sunday School Times Co., $1.00.

     III.  Topics for Discussion

     1.  What are the special needs of the growing boy?

     2.  What are the things that a boy enjoys in his home?

     3.  In what way does city life interfere with the natural
     development of the child?

     4.  What are some of the natural expressions of religion for a boy?

     5.  How early should the sex instruction begin?

     6.  What does a father owe to the boy, and what are the best methods
     of meeting the duty?

     7.  What are the normal activities for girls in the home?

     8.  What are their especial needs?


[35] A good brief book on the problem of the adolescent is E.T.  Swift, Youth and the Race; another, from the school point of view, is Irving King, The High-School Age, which has much material of great value to parents.

[36] On the various activities of boys see W.A.  McKeever, Training the Boy.

[37] See the notable report by Breckinridge and Abbott, The Delinquent Child and the Home.

[38] On the gregarious instincts see J.A.  Puffer, The Boy and His Gang.

[39] See the books on manual work given in chap. vii, “Directed Activity.”

[40] On the religious life of the boy in relation to society and the church see Allan Hoben, The Minister and the Boy, and the author’s treatment of boys and the Sunday school in Efficiency in the Sunday School, chap. xiv; also J. Alexander et al., Training the Boy, a symposium.

[41] On the attitude of reverence in this question read Dr. Cabot’s fine essay, The Christian Approach to Social Morality.

[42] The works of Dr. W.S.  Hall, From Boyhood to Manhood, for parents’ guidance with boys of thirteen to eighteen; E. Lyttleton, Training of the Young in Laws of Sex, is excellent for fathers; Reproduction and Sexual Hygiene is a text for older youth to be recommended; also, for reading, N.E.  Richardson, Sex Culture Talks, D.S.  Jordan, The Strength of Being Clean.

[43] For further studies of the problem of the boy parents would do well to read:  Building Boyhood, a symposium; W.A.  McKeever, Training the Boy; W.B.  Forbush, The Coming Generation; W.D.  Hyde, The Quest of the Best.

[44] On activities see W.A.  McKeever, Training the Girl.

Project Gutenberg
Religious Education in the Family from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.