The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth.

The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth.
First, Thou knowst that the Earth in all Nations is governed by buying and selling, for all the Laws of Kings hath relation thereunto.  Now this Platform following declares to thee the Government of the Earth without buying and selling, and the Laws are the Laws of a free and peaceable Commonwealth....
“Every family shall live apart, as now they do; every man shall enjoy his own wife, and every woman her own husband, as now they do:  every Trade shall be improved to more excellency than now it is; all children shall be educated and trained up in subjection to parents and elder persons more than now they are:  The Earth shall be planted and the fruits reaped and carried into Storehouses by common assistance of every family:  The Riches of the Storehouses shall be the common stock to every Family:  There shall be no idle person nor beggar in the Land.”


“The Commonwealth’s Government unites all people in a Land into one heart and mind.  And it was this Government which made Moses to call Abraham’s seed one House of Israel, though there were many Tribes and many Families.  And it may be said, Blessed is the People whose Earthly Government is the Law of Common Righteousness....
“The Government of Kings is the Government of the Scribes and Pharisees, who count it no freedom unless they be the Lords of the Earth and of their Bretheren.  But Commonwealth’s Government is the Government of Righteousness and Peace, who is no respecter of persons.”


“Therefore, Reader, here is a trial for thy sincerity.  Thou shalt have no want of food, raiment or freedom among bretheren in this way propounded.  See now if thou canst be content, as the Scriptures say, Having food and raiment therewith be content, and grudge not to let thy brother have the same with thee.
“Dost thou pray and fast for Freedom, and give God thanks again for it?  Why, know that God is not partial.  For if thou pray, it must be for Freedom to all; and if thou give thanks, it must be because Freedom covers all people:  for this will prove a lasting peace.
“Everyone is ready to say, They fight for their Country, and what they do, they do it is for the good of their Country.  Well, let it appear now that thou hast fought and acted for thy Country’s Freedom.  But if when thou hast power to settle Freedom in thy Country, thou takest the possession of the Earth into thy own particular hands, and makest thy Brother work for thee, as the Kings did, thou hast fought and acted for thyself, not for thy Country, and here thy inside hypocrisy is discovered.
“But here take notice, That Common Freedom, which is the Rule I
would have practiced and not talked on, was thy
Project Gutenberg
The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.